Friday, May 17, 2024

My Grandkids and how they have grown so quickly !!!


My Incredible Grands kids AND THEIR FRIENDS!!!
                        My Incredible Grand kids, James the oldest graduating in a few days....

Monday, April 22, 2024

Hair thinning with autoimmune illnesses/medications...

 Women (and men) with autoimmune issues like Lupus, RA and so forth...are you having issues with thinning hair and if so what do you use? Or have you tried anything that works???

There are many to choose from....

Please send me an email or message here....

Wednesday, January 3, 2024

Left Femur break - Update probably going to inpatient rehab a few days

Left Femur break -  Update probably going to inpatient rehab a few days

 I am making a decision to go in to inpatient rehab for a few days. My PCP is getting the orders ready. So, as soon as that is done, I will just go from home to about 5 miles away if that ti the same place that rehabbed my r. hip fracture in 2016. I am wearing myself out without proper pain control and the nerve pain and muscle have had me in tears for 24 hours.

I realize my two grown kids fear I could fall..and I am extra careful, and I do not get up at night etc, but I understand their feelings.
When I am there I will have my laptop I will try to keep in touch..The pain is excruciating. Which the surgeon told me it was one of the most painful breaks and surgeries.🥲🥲🥲 BUT, I tried... that was my main thing... needed to try and come home...

Thank you for the continued thoughts and prayers.. An extremely painful break and very painful surgery.

Monday, January 1, 2024

Tough Literal Break On Saturday before Christmas...Femur Fracture...

                Tough Literal Break On Saturday before Christmas...Femur Fracture...

Here is the heck of a mess.. my femur down by my knee I fractured it lengthwise up from to the knee right to the knee prosthesis I have a plate and screws on the left side of my left knee Merry Christmas and happy new year I hope to go home Wednesday or Thursday...

I am home and I’m just getting the pups chilled and I am exhausted but I’m here and I have lots of rehab rest and out of the hospital where I feared the flu RSV and COVID going around keep me and my son Jason in your prayers and thoughts he is exhausted and worried about me and also my daughter in your prayers also she is very worried about me and has so much to deal with so all of us are in need of a prayer chain honestly

2nd full day at home. It is still sucks. I knew it would be a challenge since I cannot BEND my knee at all. I can put all the weight on it i can stand but cannot bend it.

so the hospital was easier..wider doors. and even floors...etc..I knew my house would be a challenge. BUT, due to the FLU, COVID and RSV going what happened either to my pup in 2016 with my hip fracture. I wanted to be AT HOME!
ALL of the PT therapists totally signed off on it. But, I struggled that first part of the night
Thursday getting home so late, and Friday..yesterday was kind of off just getting things organized from me being gone so the pups had toys everywhere and my son had been having to try and work, and then during the surgery the weather was horrid in Dallas the 23rd and 24th..I told him to stay at home. He could not do a thing up there but sit around and wait.

I am a bit challenged because we still really do not have the house "cleaned up and stuff moved around
My son did a lot of stuff during the course of this but he has another errand he is running everyday to Dallas etc and trying to work what time he could and keep sane.
My daughter is in Corpus, there was nothing she could do while I was in the hospital...and even when I got home..she could have came up, but with her work schedule between two major holidays and people not coming to work when they should and on and on... I am TRYING TO FIND SOMEONE TO HELP with the house for a few days. Until I can get a bit stronger...even my collarbone repair hurts from having to use that shoulder to get myself up..I CANNOT BEND MY KNEE AT ALL..I CAN OUT AS MUCH WEIGHT ON IT AS I CAN STAND BUT DUE THROUGH ALL OF THE TRANSITION FROM THE HOSPITAL..TO COMING HOME DAYS LATER...AND THE WAY MY HOME IS ARRANGED IS A CHALLENGE. I KNOW MY SON AND DAUGHTER PREFER ME TO GO TO INPATIENT REHAB... BUT I would ONLY be there maybe a week, NOT SIX WEEKS LIKE WITH MY HIP...

I still have the option to go to inpatient rehab if i feel i cannot handle it t home for a few more days...

I have a very tough decision to make and been trying to..either SELL THIS HOUSE AND MOVE.. OR HAVE THI ONE REMODELED! BUT MOST CONTRACTORS DO NOT WANT THE HASSLE OF these older homes AND ALL OF THEIR QUIRKS AND ESPECIALLY AFTER A COUPLE OF THINGS that have happened here and are wearing out... so the MAIN ISSUE is finding somone that will do it all or most of it or sell it and move somewhere more "compliant" for handicapped... this house of course was not.


So ongoing report... I have made it since 19pm Thursday night until now Monday January 1st 2024...WHAT ONE HECK OF A WAY TO SPEND THE HOLIDAYS AND THE NEW YEAR!
I am in terrible pain..some pain where the fracture is, but both hips, both shoulders, my left hand and my lower back have all kicked in plus a Lupus Flare... I have been able to get around very slowly around my living room, bedroom... part of the office.. but I have this "twitching muscle spasm..nerve pain I see the SEVERE BRUISING.. I FRACTURED THE LEFT FEMUR DOWN ABOUT 10 INCHES MAYBE LESS BY MY KNEE PROTHESIS.. IT IS AN UP AND DOWN FRACTURE...BUT I see bruising up my thigh and into my groin which I am bruised from head to toe, between lab work, IV's and so forth...
I am wondering even with Home Health if I may not get well as quickly at home. I am having to be so careful and this brace is as heavy and bulky as a cast...
I still have the choice to go to inpatient rehab for a week or so... without red tape. I believe the Case Worker at the hospital set it up...
I am disgusted... Here I was doing so well, out in the yard last week, doing all kinds of thing, moving out stuff and one tiny slip and Heck who knows when I can bend my L. I need injection in both hips and my L. hand where the bursitis is causing me such pain...

Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Me.. As I Walk through the Realms of the Holidays...

Posted on Facebook, Instagram, and "X"...

I am okay all.... I have not been online the past several days. I have had several doctors appts, and finally got to see my new teeth yesterday. They will be perfect... they should be ready by about Jan 8th...

Honestly, I am a bit forlorn about the whole holidays right now. After losing one our own... such a shock... and thinking about how things have so changed right at the flash of an eye...

One moment we are young, with all of the family having INCREDIBLE and MEMORABLE HOLIDAYS... cousins, Aunts Uncles, Grandparents, Parents... and siblings if you have them... and within a breath's spce the decades have gne by and you find yourself in a space, time, and realm you cannot fathom it went by so quickly and everything has changed... nothing as it was before...

People say "get over it", celebrate for the right reasons, be grateful you are here.... and ALL of the things some people should really "think" before they open their mouths... and it includes me at times...

Memories of all of the good times, the good years... all come FLOODING INTO MY MIND AND HEART LIEK THE RUSH OF A WATERFALLS AND THE HUES OF COLOR IT BRINGS...

I feel like a "waterfall" in the cold weather of somewhere such as "Wolf Creek Pass" where the waterfalls are "frozen in time"...

I feel like I am "frozen in time" and I cannot seem to move ahead or step back.... like a a rare photograph like I am looking through the mirror of my life...

I have had things to do around here..some outside before it has gotten colder and we have had quite a bit of rain off and on...the sun is coming out now and if it is dry enough I have the last of the leaves to shred if it is dry enough...

I have also been FIGHTING WITH A SQUIRREL! He or She have been trying to dig into my roof or in to the laundry room I have been trying to find a way to keep them from trying to get in... ALWAYS SOMETHING....!

I hope to get by the cemetery in the next day or so, to put flowers out on Mom and Dad's..and my Grandparents graves... I have the flowers... so if it is warm enough later I may get out there...

I went and bought another "sample" size pain of the next darker color than what I bought at first. Now I am thinking about doing it like my bedroom and using waded paper to look like it is sponged...but my bedroom is awesome... I put a tad bit of pain glitter in the paint.. and t only shows in certain is incredible...

So, I may either pain a couple of walls one color and the other the lighter or I may wind up doing 2 or 3 colors and sponging it... part off my wall in my living room have two colors of aquamarine paint on them...

The ONE thing and I have NOT broken the tradition but maybe one year I was in the hospital but I ALWAYS WRITE ON ANNUAL CHRISTMAS LETTER! I put one in the Christmas cards I "snail mail"...BUT I do not have but a few cards to send..all the family is nearly gone...and I am having a difficult time just even trying to decide what to say... I may write it but only post it here etc..and on my blog.... I have about 6 Xmas cards to "snail mail" out... and I may leave just what I wrote in the cards and not send a letter this year... AT least I wrote it.... and posting it HERE IS LIKE FAMILY IN MANY WAYS.....

I "hope" to have the energy to get these things done and hopefully come to the "emotionally and mentally" in sync to write the letter and hope to have the "under joyous" feelings I have at the time...

I KNOW the true meaning of this precious holiday is... and presents, trees, decorations, food... all are a part of it...but the real "REASON FOR THE SEASON" HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH PARTIES, FOOD, DECOR, BUT FOR WHOM WAS "BORN IN A "MANGER" long ago... walked this Earth as we do,,and much harsher conditions... to sacrifice His Life in Order that WE have "Eternal Life"... so Baby Jesus... is the true meaning... and all of the rest is in "celebration" of His Birth....BUT think about it...we..with ll of our toys, expensive trying to "one up" the "Jones" .... cars,, houses, technology, designer labels... shoes that cost more than most car or house payments....

We (and I mean myself included) should SEE the TRUE Meaning.. IF WE were in the cold in a manger... would WE be that HAPPY!? We we be that "grateful"? We would travel miles and
miles in the cold on see the Newborn "King"?

JUST "FOOD" for thought.....

Tuesday, December 12, 2023

How RA and Chronic Illness Make Us More Empathetic

                            How RA and Chronic Illness Make Us More Empathetic

Health Union Community Since 2013 is a Health Union community. Health Union reaches millions of people through condition-specific online health communities and a Social Health Network of patient leaders across virtually all health conditions.

Wednesday, November 22, 2023


 Have an incredible Holiday season. Be safe, enjoy family, friends, some football...a Great Deal of food...
                        and LOVE!!!!