A chronic pain patient and his wife died by suicide after their doctor's license to prescribe opioids was suspended by the DEA. Many other patients are scrambling to find new doctors before their pain medication runs out.
Had CT scans done this morning of my clavicle and shoulder blade... so we shall see just how much worse it is than the X-rays which were horrible.. they did not get a good X-ray of the shoulder blade but I think it's also still fractured... or healed wrong.. NOW, I can't tell f my hips are hurting, or my lower back, or if I have KIDNEY STONES DAMMIT! I have kind of flank pan, BUT the weather is fixing to change Even Bella, my Doxie, could NOT hardly walk yesterday on her back legs! She may ahve to go see "Dr. Venetia".. BUT with this still fractured mess of a collarbone etc. and she weighs a ton, and I know where it hurts, I can touch her in a certain spot on her lower back end on kind of a hi side and she will growl a bit to et me know YES!! THAT HURTS!!! But, I don't want her NOT to be able to walk... I MAKE her get up off the sofa and walk a bit, and make her SIT up to eat etc... she wants to lay a certain way when it hurts her , so I have to coax her into sitting up...I am a flippin' mess FRIGGIN BODY AND HOUSE!!!!