Well, Urgent Care "does" have radiologist that reads the Films, but since I came in with an "order" for it from another doctor, they don't send out a report, If I had asked them and went in for pain in my hip and thigh, I could have gotten the entire report. But, I think I can get into a Patient Portal where it should be logged in my records. Anyway, it is the same person at the hospital that reads them, and he had already read mine. So, I got her to tell me "basically" what it said... and she said it appeared there were "no loose" problems with the hardware... so I don't know if there is something else, but I do know that apparently the gamma nail and the screws are
yet there could be other things going on, like bone spurs, or bursitis, etc... and they may not have told me that.... I know I have signed up for their patient portal, but emailed because the usual user names I used none of those worked... anyway TODAY I GO TO THE MAILBOX" AND "ORTHOFIX" who are the ones that SENT ME THIS DEAL I WEAR 4 HOURS A DAY, EVERYDAY BECAUSE MY DOCTOR ORDERED IT DUE TO MY OSTEOPOROSIS, AND IT IS SUPPOSED TO HELP STIMULATE THE BONES AND HELP ALL OF THAT FUSE ..... well, they called me from the place "Orthofix" they told me my surgeon ordered it and they were FedExing it to me overnight.hey NEVER SAID ONE WORD ABOUT INSURANCE, COST ETC... OR IF I WOULD OWE ANYTHING, NOT ONE WORD... So, today the 'STATEMENT' COMES AND THAT DAMNED THING COSTS 5,000.00!!!!!!! and MY PORTION IS OVER 600.00!!!!!
I am so pissed about the entire ordeal, the surgeon charged me HIMSELF 78,000.000 and that was not the hospital etc... i knew I would owe him "more" than if he was "in network" but hell, my insurance only paid like 5,000.00 and they have to write off a certain portion, BUT HiS BILL IS 1,600.00 and yes you are reading that right... he charged MORE THAN THE HOSPITAL BILL WAS!!!! Anyway, I am SO PISSED.... JUST LIKE THIS ORDEAL OVER "OBAMA CARE" HOW TO THEY EXPECT ME ALONE, LIVING ON LESS THAN 20,000 A YEAR TO PAY OVER 6,000.00 ON TWO SURGERIES????? It's insane & I am seriously thinking about talking to one of the "news networks" in Dallas and tell my story.... it is freaking ridiculous....
I am upset, mad, hurt, and mostly just pissed, if I don't try to "negotiate" or pay these they will ruin my credit that took me over 10 years to get back in shape after my 2nd marriage..... it is totally greed... plus this this "cannot be used again" ... so if I did have to have surgery, and needed one, then it would have to GET ANOTHER ONE... after like 6 MONTHS, it is "gone out and it will be sitting here and cannot help me after this one surgery.......