"Through my heart's work of writing, I share with you my complex journey a top the mountain, sliding down, crawling up, & living through the realms of Autoimmune Arthritic Illnesses. Taming "The Wolf" Thru each Day... One Step at a Time … Together We Are Learning to Survive. Please follow along, to New Beginnings - looking Thru the Window Pane of Pain in life where we shall find our journey leading us to - New Perspectives
Wednesday, June 1, 2016
Sunday, May 29, 2016
Wishing Our Nation A Happy and United Memorial Day - Nevver Shall We Forget Those Who Keep Us Safe and Free
Wishing each of you a Happy, Safe, and Wonderful Memorial Day Holiday, From Sea to Shining Sea!
Saturday, May 28, 2016
Hello From Ennis - The Home of this Year's 50th Polka Festival that is an Annual Event!
Czech people know how to celebrate, dance, eat, and enjoy all the realms of what Czech the Lifestyle that continues to come down from one generation to another. People from all over the USA, as well as Internationally come each year to our small community and Celebrate with the BEST Barbeque, Wonderful Klobase' (an awesome sausage spiced with black pepper and hand made by many still in our community), Saurkraut, Kolache' (a special light pastry with sweet dough and fillings in the middle such as Apricot, Cream Cheese, Poppy Seed, and many more choices of fillings, as well as our own special way we do new potatoes and parsley, green beans, and more... and of course we cannot forget the Beer!
The Polka is known by just about everyone from the time they can walk, and the colorful costumes are a delight... some so very intricate, some hand made here and in the "Old Country" as my Mom would say... It kicks off every year with a huge parade in the center of town, lots of activities for young and old, even dancing in the streets, some of them still the old brick, many hand made crafts to choose from, plus the Halls The KJT, Sokol Hall, and the KC Hall, along with others all have food, dancing music and beer....
Home Care for the Elderly, Hospice, Choices that are difficult to make for all of us with elderly parents suffering from all of these types of Dementia's
These are the people that are going to help me with Mom and this way I can possibly keep her at home, and not put her anywhere else... I found out thought that they are like an "in home" adult day care not "true" Hospice. When you go into the "true hospice" scenario, then Medicare pays 100% of the bill BUT, no longer can you see "your own doctors", your medications are taken care of by them, and basically they take over all of it, and I can have the choice, say Mom came down with pneumonia, and needed to be in the hospital, I could stop "Hospice" immediately so her own PCP etc can take care of her, then restart it after her being in the hospital.
I was kind of taken back when the Home Health Nurse told me that they could "no longer" see her if I went to Hospice, when the woman that came and spoke to me about "Home Instead" said that I could keep Home Health and have Home Instead here also. That is because they do not "take over everything", they provide more help as far as staying with her in the home as many hours as I want a week, day etc...
they will help make sure she eats, has something to drink, does not "fall" again, can change sheets, do light laundry, and even run to the store for her, if something was needed, or say I come down and I am too ill, or when I have surgery, they can fill in and do all of their part staying with her, when I can't go over during that time... which is WHY the woman I talked with from a true "Hospice" ran by Medicare said in the 1st place they would "probably put her" in one of the "homes" NONE of which are even located near me! And basically it is $3,000.00 a MONTH! or more depending on the place, and she was more of a "sales woman" trying to make me spend Mom's money to put her somewhere than trying to do what I want and need at this time, and that need...
... someone to be there a few hours a day, a few days of the week, so she is being seen about, like I feel she gets up and falls when I leave... so sometimes in the late night or early morning, that is when this either falling, or she spills things, does not drink her Ensure, or eat... after I leave... I can pick the times, how many hours a day, how many days of the week, including weekends if need be that I need these people... again all here at her home NOT in some "nursing facility"... and they are very well trained... and have monthly updates and training meetings, so they are very versed in "dementia" Alzheimer's type of care...
Anyway, I HAVE to get someone in ASAP! After her being on her knees by the bed, wit all of the sheets and everything pulled
After and then she could not understand I just needed her to put her feet under her and push a bit, and we could have had her up on the potty chair, BUT, she holds onto things like the bed, and then she can't "get" to put her feet under her. I even noticed when I had the fire guys come in with an "assist lift" rather than allow them to just lift her and sit her down, she was trying to hold onto things making it difficult for them to put her where she needed to be.... I am also going to buy a bedrailing...
I am checking on that today in fact. I believe I can get one that will fit on the bed, and now I am also putting her in the middle of the bed, and not allowing her to stay at one side. Plus I am going to look for a couple of "sippy cups" for her drinks. Then I can put the big tray I have on the bed where she is, and things will not spill... plus then things will be within her reach... I feel she does not even know to "look" at the nightstand and "see" drinks, Ensure etc are there.... I am just exasperated with the entire ordeal.... never in a billion years did I think things would be like this.... Life can deal us a heavy hand of no good cards at times for sure....
OH and by the way, MOM IS RUNNING OUT OF PAIN MEDS FOR HER BACK! She is on an Opioid but not something extremely strong. And she had not been really having to take them all that much, until this dementia has put her more in the bed etc. making her back worse... BUT I CALLED THE PAIN DOCTOR... told them the situation, that Mom cannot barely walk down her hall way, even with her walker, there is no way, I can get her out of the house, down stairs in the car and take her up to Dallas for a check up....
I just know I cannot even get her to sit in the living room for the most part, much less put her in a car and have her try to get into the doctors office for a visit! BUT he REFUSES to give her a refill (even though she has not had to have a refill since February) without HER COMING FOR AN OFFICE VISIT!!! It is insane and OUR CDC AND CONGRESS AT WORK DAMMIT!!! So, I told my PCP about it yesterday ( I am still in a very bad Lupus flare with a severe headache, and hurting all over) and even HE will NOT prescribe them and he KNOWS FIRST HAND what is going on!!! She is going to run out by next week and what do I do from there????? She is already unable to "move" without screaming out in pain, if we try to get her up and moving, unless she has a pain pill and it begins to work.... so this is just another bunch of crap to pile upon my shoulders.... and they wonder why "pain patients chronically ill" give up and just die... I feel they want us to... I am just livid about the entire ordeal....
Monday, May 23, 2016
Brand New Clnical Trial for Those with Lumbar Lower Back Pain!
Brand New Clinical Trial starting sponsored by Cure Click for Lower Lumbar Back Pain
New Clinical Trial Medication Out for Lumbar/Lower Back Pain! Maybe an alternative to your current medications or maybe an alternative to surgery! Be Sure to Check It Out!
Saturday, May 21, 2016
FINALLY, A Beautiful Day, more Wondrous than I have had in literally months and months!! Family, time away as a caretaker, as a patient, & feeling somewhat "normal" for at least a day or two.....
This has been and is one of the BEST DAYS and BEST WEEKENDS that I've had in a very, very LONG TIME! It is so awesome to have my daughter Amanda and her hubby Jimbo, as well as my son Jason all together in the same space, and be able to have a wonderful lunch (I ate way too much) and just enjoy one being together.... I surely so NEEDED this, and I know for them it is truly important to them also. Plus, although yesterday was a "rocky" start with Mom, I will explain more later, she did finally EAT, yesterday afternoon, and a bit more than usual. :))
She has not eaten in days again, other than drinking the Ensure, so seeing her actually eat and enjoy the food, although a very small amount, it was a blessing. Plus, we know she really does not for the most part know who any of us are, even me, I think she did have some lucid moments over the past day or so, and did understand the three of us were there today and were visiting her.
The road to getting help is my next feat, I HAVE TO GET HOSPICE in there! I had to turn her mattress completely over due to now we are having "accidents" in the bed, that I did not know about, until yesterday... so I bought some of the "Depends" or as Jim and I used to call them "OOps I crapped my pants" underwear... LOL... right now she sometimes just I think does not realize she needs to get up to pee... that is our issue at the present.... so after buying new covers, pads, waterproof for the mattress, and all plus I put some under pads beneath her, so that way, we don't have her laying in urine, and causing sores... we don't need bed sores for sure.... but again, I am so proud of both my son and daughter, and I hope they know just how much I love them, and every day wished that we could be "closer" as far as our distance away in miles from one another... but sometimes life does not "give us" what WE think WE need, it deals out what for one reason or the other WE NEED, and don't know why.... and I also thank my friends for all of their love and support! Rhia
This has been and is one of the BEST DAYS and BEST WEEKENDS that I've had in a very, very LONG TIME! It is so awesome to have my daughter Amanda and her hubby Jimbo, as well as my son Jason all together in the same space, and be able to have a wonderful lunch (I ate way too much) and just enjoy one being together.... I surely so NEEDED this, and I know for them it is truly important to them also. Plus, although yesterday was a "rocky" start with Mom, I will explain more later, she did finally EAT, yesterday afternoon, and a bit more than usual. :))
She has not eaten in days again, other than drinking the Ensure, so seeing her actually eat and enjoy the food, although a very small amount, it was a blessing. Plus, we know she really does not for the most part know who any of us are, even me, I think she did have some lucid moments over the past day or so, and did understand the three of us were there today and were visiting her.
The road to getting help is my next feat, I HAVE TO GET HOSPICE in there! I had to turn her mattress completely over due to now we are having "accidents" in the bed, that I did not know about, until yesterday... so I bought some of the "Depends" or as Jim and I used to call them "OOps I crapped my pants" underwear... LOL... right now she sometimes just I think does not realize she needs to get up to pee... that is our issue at the present.... so after buying new covers, pads, waterproof for the mattress, and all plus I put some under pads beneath her, so that way, we don't have her laying in urine, and causing sores... we don't need bed sores for sure.... but again, I am so proud of both my son and daughter, and I hope they know just how much I love them, and every day wished that we could be "closer" as far as our distance away in miles from one another... but sometimes life does not "give us" what WE think WE need, it deals out what for one reason or the other WE NEED, and don't know why.... and I also thank my friends for all of their love and support! Rhia
LOL!!! For some very Odd reason this just seemed like the photo to publish!
CNN Stigmatizses Chronic Pain Patients in National Pain Report by Paul Gileno
FOR ALL of us that are Chronic Pain Patients, Caretakers, family members of those who suffer from so many different types of Chronic Pain, many of us daily, and without our medications, along with other ways we "fight" against this epidemic, seeing that the CDC and the government is NOT on our side is frightening and down right wrong!
Those that do not understand chronic pain, from so many different types of illnesses, have no clue what happens to our "daily quality" of life. We would not be able to function normally, from taking care of our families, children, working, doing our shopping, going out to eat on a Friday evening, or even sitting with the family at home enjoying a movie. Chronic Pain without medications and treatments put each of us in a place of "NO life"... we would be sofa or bed ridden, we would not be able to cook, clean, do our yard work, shop, take our children to school or participate in the many, many activities that people that do not know what this type of nagging, gnawing, type of horrendous pain is like.
Many of us understand "acute" pain, from a broken bone, broken rib, from surgery, from an accident, which after a few days or week or so, that pain is gone once that heals. But, those of us with Diabetic Neuropathy, severe spinal pain and sciatic nerve pain, pain from the many Autoimmune Illnesses such as RA, Lupus, Sjogren's, Autoimmune arthritic types of pain, osteoarthritis, neck pain, pain from so many different types of problems that does NOT go away, that it stays with us throughout the rest of our lives... THAT IS THE SOMETIMES INTRACTABLE pain I am speaking of.
It always floors me when someone says, "You don't look ill?" Well, I, like most, do not like to go out in public looking like "death warmed over" as the saying goes. We "try" to put on our "best face"... to try and move through the pain, so we can appear to be "normal, even though our lives, our physical, mental and emotional states are far from normal. There is cancer pain, which in all ways is chronic, when it becomes "incurable". There are problems with bladders that can cause horrid pain, and it also an autoimmune illness. Up until I was "diagnosed" formally with RA, Lupus, Sjogren's, Raynaud's, and so forth, I had Migraines, and those were enough to cause me to have to after 25 or more years fighting them, had to quit working. They were so often and so severe, that I missed way too much work due to those. Then came my joints "falling apart" before I was even 35 years old... "arthritis" and people say how can someone so "young" have that had of arthritis that "eats away" at the joints. Well, we now know that infants can have RA, Juvenile RA, and some of them as young as 9 months old! So imagine, an infant so young, and the parents realizing that this hell of a disease shall effect their child or children for the rest of their lives.
I have always said, for anyone especially those in Congress, in the CDC, and so forth, that would like to "walk a week or two" in my or many others shoes with these illnesses would be screaming out for anything to relieve the pain!
So, the article below is just one example of how we still do not have ENOUGH EDUCATION IN OUR GOVERNMENT, in our NATION and around the World about ALL of these diseases that bring on severe, chronic, daily pain!
Those that do not understand chronic pain, from so many different types of illnesses, have no clue what happens to our "daily quality" of life. We would not be able to function normally, from taking care of our families, children, working, doing our shopping, going out to eat on a Friday evening, or even sitting with the family at home enjoying a movie. Chronic Pain without medications and treatments put each of us in a place of "NO life"... we would be sofa or bed ridden, we would not be able to cook, clean, do our yard work, shop, take our children to school or participate in the many, many activities that people that do not know what this type of nagging, gnawing, type of horrendous pain is like.
Many of us understand "acute" pain, from a broken bone, broken rib, from surgery, from an accident, which after a few days or week or so, that pain is gone once that heals. But, those of us with Diabetic Neuropathy, severe spinal pain and sciatic nerve pain, pain from the many Autoimmune Illnesses such as RA, Lupus, Sjogren's, Autoimmune arthritic types of pain, osteoarthritis, neck pain, pain from so many different types of problems that does NOT go away, that it stays with us throughout the rest of our lives... THAT IS THE SOMETIMES INTRACTABLE pain I am speaking of.
It always floors me when someone says, "You don't look ill?" Well, I, like most, do not like to go out in public looking like "death warmed over" as the saying goes. We "try" to put on our "best face"... to try and move through the pain, so we can appear to be "normal, even though our lives, our physical, mental and emotional states are far from normal. There is cancer pain, which in all ways is chronic, when it becomes "incurable". There are problems with bladders that can cause horrid pain, and it also an autoimmune illness. Up until I was "diagnosed" formally with RA, Lupus, Sjogren's, Raynaud's, and so forth, I had Migraines, and those were enough to cause me to have to after 25 or more years fighting them, had to quit working. They were so often and so severe, that I missed way too much work due to those. Then came my joints "falling apart" before I was even 35 years old... "arthritis" and people say how can someone so "young" have that had of arthritis that "eats away" at the joints. Well, we now know that infants can have RA, Juvenile RA, and some of them as young as 9 months old! So imagine, an infant so young, and the parents realizing that this hell of a disease shall effect their child or children for the rest of their lives.
I have always said, for anyone especially those in Congress, in the CDC, and so forth, that would like to "walk a week or two" in my or many others shoes with these illnesses would be screaming out for anything to relieve the pain!
So, the article below is just one example of how we still do not have ENOUGH EDUCATION IN OUR GOVERNMENT, in our NATION and around the World about ALL of these diseases that bring on severe, chronic, daily pain!
Friday, May 20, 2016
TODAY IS Lupus Awareness Day and Clinical Trial Awareness Day!!!!!!
http://www.lupus.org/action/put-on-purple-toolkit |
http://curec.lk/1rXoRqvBe Sure to Wear YOUR Purple, get the word out, through Social Media on Clinical Trials and Let's Keep Plugging away to END these horrid diseases!!! |
Thursday, May 19, 2016
May 20th Clinical Trial Day! Know zMore WAbout Clinicl Trials in a Chat Session & Severe Cat Allergies Clinical Trial all sponored by Cure Click
Want to Know More About or Educate Others About Clinical Trials?
#ClinicalTrialsDay #TrialChat #CureClick
Facts About Clinical Trials |
http://curec.lk/1rTQSiS |
#Allergies, #CatAllergies
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I really have SO MUCH to try & catch up here on, so I am going ton"Post"n some of my ongoing chronic health issues, things abo...
How can our kids feel safe when WE as adults don't???? I fear Wal-Mart or just walking across the parking lot at HEB in my small lo...
I finally made a trip to Urgent Care with what I feel is a very bad Lupus and RA flare, but there are several "symptoms" strange t...