Wednesday, April 29, 2015

"I Wish I would have known? - WEGO Health Writer's Challenge - April 29th, 2015 Wednesday

Today's "prompt" for the next to the LAST day of the 30 Day WEGO Health Writer's Challenge, is "What I wished I had known in the beginning of my patient journey?" In other words, when you were first diagnosed, what do you wished you could have known, asked about, done, been more capable of understanding and so forth.

One thing that comes to mind is I wished I had known more about different types of "Rheumatologists". Our physicians (and I say this often) have almost "specialized" themselves out of the everyday field of medicine.

Rather than have as we did not that many years ago, a doctor, or physician that could see you for a flu bug, take out your appendix, deliver your kids, and give your kids their immunizations. My kids are now 35 and 30 years old. Yet, they both were delivered by our regular physician, that did all of those things. Even if one of mine had been Cesarian, he could have delivered him or her.

A medical doctor was a doctor of "all". Unless you had something that was really extremely unusual, they did not send you to a specialist to "set a broken arm". If you needed stitches, they did not send you to a plastic surgeon. When babies were born, you didn't have to go to an OB/GYN. Even some surgeries, were performed by your regular physician, unless it was some "off the wall" type of surgery.

I began to notice, right after my youngest was born, that doctors began to "not" do everything. If one of mine had an ear problem, off to the ENT doctor we went. If you needed surgery, let's say "female surgery", a hysterectomy, you saw your OB/GYN.

Then when it came to cancer, you were sent to any number of "cancer" specialists. It began as kind of an "umbrella" physician, an Oncologist. Then you began to see that branch out into "breast cancer" specialists, brain cancer specialists, intestinal cancer specialists, and the list continues on.

If you had a joint that needed surgery. It maybe that your regular "Orthopedic surgeon" may not do a "hip surgery" or "elbow surgery". You had to take yet another step into the "Orthopedic Surgeon" who specialized in that particular joint.

Now, it is almost insane. When I hear or see just home many "specialists" there are depending on what is wrong, it can make your head spin.

So, had I known that a "Rheumatologist" that worked with RA or Lupus patients, maybe totally different than one that was more into other autoimmune illnesses, I may have seen the proper doctor a great deal more quickly than I did. My very first "Rheumy" as we call them, was very up in age. In fact, he still gave "gold injections" and this was about 2007. So, at the time, seeing him may have been the right thing to do. He "named" off after extensive lab studies, and also seeing me several times, a "few" different autoimmune illnesses that I have. He began with MCTD ) "Mixed Connective Tissue Disorder", Raynauds, Sjogren's, possibly Lupus, but he was not "set" on RA. As I said he was really up in age, but honestly he was one smart "cookie".

Yet, due to his not wanting to be as "aggressive" with the latest medications such as the biologics, I make the decision to find another Rheumatologist that would be. Well, little did I know, until after seeing 5 or 6 different ones, finding someone that would "treat all of them", in an aggressive manner was not easy. Each one either specialized in Lupus, RA, and so forth. Plus they were not much into the latest of medications.

So, had I truly known the factors surrounding getting into the proper Rheumatologist, I may have been able to "prevent" some of my problems that were getting worse, due to not being treated.

I also wished I would have began researching the medications, treatments, and doing my own blogging sooner. Even though I had done a great deal of research, when it came to the Sjogren's especially, I didn't do enough, soon enough I fear. Had I really known just how quickly Sjogren's was completely destroying my teeth, I would have searched for either a dental specialist on Sjogren's, or made sure my Rheumatologist did know about Sjogren's and was more apt to let me know just how bad it could get so quickly. By the time I knew just how bad my Sjogren's was, it had already rotted my teeth from the inside out. It was not until after the first two broke off at the gum line, and I went in to get a full mouth digital X-ray, that my teeth were goners. There was no more patching to do. There was basically nothing left to try and "save". So, wishing Sjogren's had been one of these that a really got adamant about, maybe, just maybe, I would still have some of my teeth. Now, my dentist told me, that even if I had known around 2007 more about it, since there are really no "medications" designed to fight it off, and the two I took really didn't do much. It was already too late. Thus, I spent all of 2014, getting the entire mouth of rotten ones all pulled, getting dentures, then going onto having "mini implants" for the bottom dentures, so they will stay in place.

I also wished years before I got an "official" diagnosis with the autoimmune illnesses, I had really pursued the reasons why, at well before the age of 40 years old, my joints were in need of surgery. I had 3 knee surgeries, an elbow surgery, a shoulder surgery, and many of my joints injected from about the age of 21 to 40! The answer I got for the most part when I did try and ask "why". was always met with, "Well we don't really know, But I feel you probably have "arthritis" that has surfaced early due to "genetics". Well, it was true, my Dad and Mom both had arthritic issues fairly early in life. Yet, nothing like mine where anything I did hurt.

So, more research, a better understanding of doctors, and asking more questions are things I do wished I would have done differently, more, better, etc. when I think back on when all of my health problems first began.

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

#HAWMC WEGO Health Writer's Challenge - April Tuesday 28th 2015 - Favorite Health Product

What product in relationship to my own unique health issues us a favorite of mine?

This particular subject has came up over the past couple of weeks several times. I really don't think I've ever given it much real thought, other than of course the special medications I am on for the RA, Lupus, Sjogren's, Heart Issues and so forth.

After it has came to this place of m being questioned, I've given serious thought to what items that I absolutely buy and use specifically for the autoimmune diseases, and or the symptoms that are always causing me some sort of grief in my daily life.

Even though the Lupus I have is not necessarily the "skin" type, I still have huge issues with discoloration on my skin, blotching, red spot, I do get the "Lupus Wolf Mask", my lips and especially the corners of my lips seem to always be very pink, or splitting. They have been horrible the past almost a month about splitting at the sides of them. I also have ulcers that develop due to the Sjogren's. It is also another "skin attacker". Our medications, for instance the Prednisone I take daily has a terrible effect on the skin. It can cause the red spots, thinned skin that is so easily bruised, plus a whole host of skin issues.

So, trying to find a product or products for my skin in different areas is difficult. Many either are too greasy or oily feeling. I put it on, and rather than sink in, it just feels like I have rolled in "lard" and have it all over me. So, I have come to find that if it is 100% Cocoa Butter, then I seem to be able to use it, and a huge plus is I can use it on my lips, the corners of my mouth, on my hands, arms, legs, just about everywhere, and even though it may feel "thick" at first, it starts to soak right in and give your skin a smoother feeling, without being greasy or oily.

I also LOVE the smell of cocoa butter. I have had several people just lately tell me they don't like the smell of it. But, I do. It smells so wonderful, so that is another huge plus. Anything that has a nice smell to it, you tend to use it more, because you like that scent also. 

I have my hands it seems in water, or cleaner all day everyday. So, another issue is finding something that kind of soaks in and does not just wash off as soon as you wash your hands. The Cocoa Butter does that for me also. I can put it on, and even though I am always cleaning something, washing something, it tends to stay on through a several hand washes before I have to apply it again.

It is not inexpensive for the most part. Even buying the more "name" brand of Palmer's Cocoa Butter products are a bit more thrifty than many of the items out there now days. In fact I was just in the process of placing an order online earlier this morning, and  was glancing through some facial products, lotions and so on. Even on Amazon, some of those items are so expensive. They really know how to "market" to women. I know there are many of us that easily spend three or four times as much as we have to on items for our skin. Whether it be for the face, for the body, feet, hands and cuticles, that is another good point about Cocoa Butter. You can use it just about any and everywhere on your body. So, it is an "all purpose" skin smoother, softener, and I have never had any rashes or breakouts from it. I use it on all of my "scars" from the many surgeries I've had. It does fade those also. It may take awhile depending on the type of scar or incision you have, but with Cocoa Butter, you do find most scars begin to smooth out, lay more flat, and then fade within a short period of time. There are many "scar" fading products out there. Especially when it comes to stretch marks. Again some of them are horribly expensive. There is also some you can get as a prescription, but the main ingredient in it that does the fading smells horrible. I have a tube of it, I do use where my neck has almost a purplish red permanent tint to it. It runs up the sides of my face, under my chin, and even up behind my ears. The ingredient in the fading cream besides smelling horrible, also has to be used with care, as far as where you use it on the body. So, that is another point to consider. 

I know there are "generic" brands out there. I keep the "swivel sticks" by Palmer's with me all the time. I have one in my purse, and another on my desk. I also have the cream and lotion in jars or bottles that I use also. But, I have found that although the generic brands are okay and they work also, it seems Palmer's Cocoa Butter, tends to be a bit creamer, tends to have even more of that wonderful smell, and it not "gritty" feeling. I bought a "generic" brand of the stick one a couple of weeks ago. I noticed immediately when I opened it, it felt a bit gritty, rather than as smooth as my usual brand.

As I said they make several different formulations of it, depending on where and what you are using it on.Even on my toughest parts of my body, like my cuticles is another place I have terrible issues with, this tends to help them to heal better, and again without the high cost of having several different types of creams for different areas of the body.

I feel that the Cocoa Butter for me, is almost a "one stop" shopping article. Just about anywhere I need to use it, I am able to, and I don't have to worry over buying multiple lotions, creams, and then being concerned on where I can or can't use them. 

I would recommend anyone that is battling either cracked skin, heels, cuticle problems, discolorations of the skin, fading surgical scars, stretch marks, or for a general lotion, to try 100% Cocoa Butter. As I mentioned there is one very popular name brand product, and since it is not expensive I would say to try it, rather than a "generic brand". But, a generic brand if it contains the same ingredients would probably give you the same results. 

Monday, April 27, 2015

Monday #HAWMC - WEGO Writers' Challenge! H. E. A. L.T. H. - April 27th 2015

Talk about a post to think about. So many "words" for so many illnesses, symptoms, medications and the like. So, I shall give this one a try today  - come up with an "acronym" to describe my activist journey.

"Hoping Extreme Activism Leans Towards Healing"







This was is not as easy as one might think. To really use only what "letters" given or a word for example, such as this without putting any other "in between" words such as "IN' An, The, and so forth takes some thought. So, since I do at times "feel" like I want to take my own "Activism" to the "Extremes" so one day, what I have accomplished does lean towards others "healing".....

Great one WEGO!!!!!!

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Oh MY!!! I almost missed it!!! I had my days Mixed up.... #HAWMC - WEGO Health Writer's Challenge

This has not and never will be an easy thing to do. "We" and I am speaking us that are chronically ill and/or having Chronic Pain. All too often others that mean well, can sometimes really say or do some very hurtful things to us. Some, they may mean it to be that way. Yet, often family and friends, really don't want to make us feel badly, yet they do.

I know my Mom will come up with some "hair brained" idea from "television". She will "partially hear or see" something that she thinks may just be the answer to our prayers for me to "be well". A I have tried to tell her hundreds of times, those "gimmicks" are just that. They are trying to get your money, and the majority of the time, whatever it is, would not work.

So, I have gotten to the place, that rather than "appease" her or anyone with these solutions, I inindate them with the "truth". I have taken the Arthritis Magazines to her. Health magazines that cover what is really going on. I also print things from online. I have taken many examples of the "truth" behind my illnesses, my pain, and why I do or don't do some things. What she and others do is try to tell me "what I should or should not do"... I guess that bothers me more than anything.

NO, maybe I should not have been on the chair today putting up a new mini blind. BUT, if I don't, who will? There is NO ONE I can call at the drop of a hat, that can come over and resolve my daily house stuff, that I have to do. My coffee pot went out this morning. I also needed a different size mini blind. Then I saw the one in the next window was also broken, thus I needed two of them. Did I really "feel" like going back to "Wally World" this morning to get those things? No, I wanted to be here, home and writing. But, once I saw that I needed those, plus the curtains in my bedroom needed laundering, so down they come, and into the washer and dryer. I realize that there are things I can't do. I know about how "far" I can push "me" before I am doing something "dangerous". I have osteoporosis, and it is in the "severe" category. So, climbing on a chair hanging blinds, and getting curtains down to launder, then putting them back up is not the smartest thing in the world to do. But, again I HAVE TO! It is up to me. This is our home, Jim is still not able to do much of any of that at all, whatsoever. Thus, I do what I can.

So, when I go over to someone's house, or see them in the store, and they ask me what I've been doing. I tell them. I know one day a lady I know caught me in a "not so great mood" at a store... She began going on and on, about her toe was hurting, and she was upset because her nail lady could not get to her, and she didn't know what she was going to wear out dancing that night. So, I looked right at her and said, "Well, at least YOU CAN HAVE YOUR NAILS DONE, and you can I am so sure color your hair today. Besides run over to Beall's, they are having a sale. Maybe you can find a dress you like, or an outfit. Then I told her, at least you get to go out, dancing, to dinner, with friends on the weekends. I sit at home, ill many times, and can't even go to dinner on my wedding anniversary, the 10th one at that. She kind of backed up and looked at me, and then said, "Well, I guess I didn't realize that you and your husband had that many health issues?" Well, she didn't know because she was too busy running her mouth about her world, her life, her job, her kids, blah blah blah... and so on, and never once asked about my life.

So, when I get "that look" using my disabled parking sign, or I ask someone to help me with my groceries to the car, I just stare back and should say, yes I AM ILL - YOU may NOT see it.... yet it is there... I am to the place, if I go into the store, sometimes I don't have makeup on anymore. Maybe I am not dressed to the "nine's" at times. By the time I do what I need to do at home, then have to shower, dry my hair and dress, many of my "spoons" for the day are used up and I need another handful just to make it through the market, and the pharmacy.

So, people that DON'T KNOW, rather than stare, ask me. My life is an open book. I will tell you all about my Lupus, RA, Sjogren's, knee replacements, shoulder replacement, losing ALL of my teeth this past year and have dentures due to Sjogren's. Ask me about the fatigue, the cold sweats at times, the times that I so wished I could just sit down in the middle of the floor and CRY until either the pain stops OR I can't cry any longer..

Before you "cast" a stone.. try to make sure the target is what you think it is. So, yes, if after a round of "high dose 14 day Prednisone", I have a couple of pounds, I can see, so I know others do too. It may take me a month to get off those couple of pounds, but they will come off.

And if I "can't" go out to dinner, or out shopping, or if I decide there is no way, I can do laundry today, then know when I can, I do, and always will.

#HAWMC WEGO Health's Writer's Challenge "How to "Smile" & Try and Feel Better Even Though Things are NOT as They Seem! How to Handle a "Bad Day"

I will attest, WEGO Health and the bunch, you have came up this entire month with some incredible "prompts"!

This is truly a great one also. 5 Tips to overcome" a Bad Day"!

I would venture to say (I guess at the moment I speak for myself), having chronic illnesses and Chronic Pain is almost something "negative" we live with daily. Of course some days are worse than others. We have our "memorable days". Those that we wished we could bottle up, and be able to open and have a sense of remembering them in touch, sight, smell, feel and thought! Of course all of us have those great memories. The idea of truly being able to capture them "hook, line and sinker" as the old saying goes could make them even more capable of giving over to the times when things feel like you are on top of the ever shaking mountain, and could conquer the world.

For me, I usually know very quickly, if I am going to have "one of those days." When I arise from bed, and everything hurts, I realize I have 3 or 4 doctors appointments, things my Mom needs done in that next few days, it is not sunny outside, OR it is HUMID and MUGGY; which brings on even more pain, that is when I feel like crawling under my bed, with my "granny blanket" as I call my favorite blanket with the silk on the edges, and hide for at least 24 hours, maybe more.

So, when things start off like that, I head to Facebook first, to find something "positive", "
funny, strange, thoughtful or whatever some friends have posted, that make me smile because they just have that ability. For instance, I have a dear friend who has a very busy
Fibromyalgia group. She seems to always know, when I need something to smile about. So, often times when it feels like I am "drenched from the fog of a lousy day" she has sent a "bundle of virtual flowers" and a small note to say "I totally get it and I understand". So, my first tip for "one of those days" is to "look" for something positive. If you have a FB page with friends who tend to find either positive things, pretty cards, or something funny to post, go and see if they have posted something. Usually if you scroll through the new posts, you will find one that just "fits" to make things feel a bit better. My next thing is that rather than allow all of that "garbage" to float around in my mind, I write down a list of what has to be done! Whether it is for just that one day, or for the next few very busy ones ahead, by writing them down on a list (I suggest literal paper and your favorite pen) rather than typing them out, making that list helps to put things into perspective. I feel I can better handle it all. I kind of purged it out of my thoughts by writing it on paper with my favorite pen (by the way, no one touches my favorite pen)! So, my 2nd way to make it a bit better is to write a list of what needs to be done, so you can kind of rid your mind of all of the stuff that is floating around almost eating at you.

My next thing I try to do, is take a look at the local weather. As silly as that sounds, once I have down a list of what needs to be done etc, then I want to know what to expect if I am having to go out and have things to take care of outside the house, the weather sometimes really makes a difference. Right now it is "thunderstorm, hail, high wind and possible tornado" time in Texas. So, if there is a 90 percent chance of thunderstorms, that are probably involving hail and high winds, then I decide what things I can do here at home done, and avoid going out in terrible weather. I know the day is only going to be worse, if I am fearing my new vehicle being hailed on, or going somewhere and having blinding, drenching rain, lightening and thunder all around. So, my 3rd thing to make for a better day is to KNOW what to expect weather wise. The weather makes such a difference "physically speaking" also. If I am already hurting, stiff, and feel lousy, then I see the weather has a high humidity, a barometric pressure that is nuts one way or the other, then I can "expect" the pain and stiffness, and "blame it on the weather" or at least partially know for sure, it is NOT helping.

Writing seems to be my way of truly ridding myself of the gunk in life that causes me great grief. So, my 4th idea is usually to write in my blog about all that is really eating at me, or post on Facebook, and ask my friends to keep me in their thoughts that day. Sometimes I just write and not post it. I hold onto it for a bit, to see if I really want to just rain pain down on everyone else. At times a post where I am griping, whining, fussing, and just letting it all out, is perfect for my Facebook page. When I can tell that others are also having a crappy day, pain wise or whatever, empathy goes a long way. Now, when I say empathy, I mean those people that REALLY understand what you are going through. Not the "acquaintances" that don't get it, because they are either not chronically ill, or have chronic pain. But, those friends who are often in the trenches of hell in illness, right along beside you. Or if you see there are other dear friends that are really having one of those days also, then I try and send a post to help lift them up. That empathy, can work both ways. If you are able to put aside your stuff for a bit, and tell someone else you totally understand, and you wished you could fix it, make it go away, or be better you would. Sending a little picture of something cute, or pretty, flowers, kids, beautiful scenery, anything that is positive and just can cut through that bad stuff for a moment, always helps to make me see, "I am NOT the only one having a heck of a day". So, writing and then also uplifting someone else can help me to put my own stuff into a better perspective.

Sometimes for me, since I love to bake, if things are really horrible, and I want to jump off the Earth, I go and bake something wonderful. Getting everything out of my face and out of my mind, and baking does that for me, can turn a bad day into "okay, I can deal". Then there are times, that I will just think to myself, pain or not, fatigue or not, do something constructive. I in fact have been having one of "those days" now for about 2 WEEKS! So, yesterday, as bad as I felt, I cleaned my house. I "swiffered" my hardwood floors, then I mopped them with my hardwood floor cleaner that smells like lemons. I got out my duster, sprayed some lemon dusting spray" on it, and went over pictures on the wall, around base boards, under the bed where all of those dust bunnies hide, and over some of my furniture etc. I am not talking a huge spring clean, but one where you can do just enough, that gives you a sense of you accomplished something in spite of the junk, and take a smell of just how "clean" and fresh your home smells. That lemon smell, or any type of citrus, just makes everything to me smell like a fresh spring and summer day. Plus, I could visibly "see" that my effort paid off. Things looked neater, cleaner, and I moved around stiffness, pain and all, which helped to take my mind off the pain, the stiffness and I got some exercise with it also.

Those are 5 that come to mind at first. Sometimes I just have to get out, and go walk. I may spend a half hour trapesing up and down my long driveway, ranting and raving to myself, about how life had just wronged me that day. Again, any way I can "purge" my mind of "the stuff the binds me" helps to turn a bad outlook around. Some days I take a drive to where my Dad is buried. He has been gone now 10 years, which seems impossible, but I go out there, and in all of the quiet, peace, the sea of colors with flowers everywhere, and I can quietly "talk" to Dad, there comes some peace of mind.  I may take new flowers to put out on his grave and my Grandparents. I enjoy doing that, so it helps to turn the day around also. When things are just ALL out of sorts, and I am dropping stuff, spilling, stuff, hurting badly, and everything I touch seems to turn into a huge mess, I give up, go set on the sofa with my two pups, one on each side, and chill to watch a movie. Having them beside me, and getting my thoughts off of all of the bad stuff, also puts me in a place of, "Okay now I can handle some of this stuff". Maybe I have some kind of small treat. A cookie I love, or a bite or two of a cake, pie, or something I've baked. Others I may go outside, hopefully with my gardening gloves and literally just pull the weeds, and stray grass from around my flowers. That helps to take my mind off of things.

The very best thing I can do, when it's possible, it try and just get completely away for a day or overnight. If I've had some really busy weeks, things have just been too hectic, too full of illness, doctors, medications, fighting with insurance, and there seems to be no end, then I get my Mom, and we go for at least a day visit, usually to the Casino in Oklahoma. We usually have "complimentary" rooms for a night or two. So, if time permits an overnight stay. As I had said before, being able to just totally get out of the house, of out of town, and away from all of the stuff that can just put you into overload, as soon as I pull into that Casino parking lot, and enter the doors, everything else seems so small in comparison. We are not much as far as gamblers, and usually play the "penny" slots, and my Mom likes the 25 cent slots. But, it is the people, we watch others and see how excited they are, or when you here the cheer from one of the tables, and know someone just did well, or just to relax and eat at one of their great eating places, and walk, walk and walk. The one we go to usually is now once again I believe considered the "largest casino in the world". I can attest to the fact, that a lap or two around the entire casino area in itself, not including the three huge hotels, and then the smaller one they call "The Inn", can give you all the exercise you need for a day or so. Plus there are no clocks, no windows, and with all of the sounds, lights, people, music and noises, everything else pales in comparison. I leave there still kind of in a "trance" almost. Even though it is only a day or one overnight trip, it can smooth the "edges" off of life's rigid times.

It will be interesting to read how others rid themselves of a bad day! I know WEGO Health keeps me busy, and they help to take my mind off of the "bad days" also.

Saturday, April 25, 2015

Saturday April 25th, Wego Writers Challenge 2015 - "Wordie" #HAWMC

This was really cool!!!! I enjoyed doing it. Wow, I added quite a few words, but I can see making one huge very quickly with all of the primary words from a blog!

Friday, April 24, 2015

Not the "usual" in my blog - but this is just NOT Right, no Matter How you slice it!

I'm not one to get into the "political" issues around just anything. When it comes to illnesses, and our governmental ways, I've learned that I MUST get involved and speak my mind. It is up to me to have my say. The only way I can do that, is not hide my head in the sand, but to speak up, speak out, give my opinion, and when it comes to "morals" then I feel it is even more ridiculous for me not to stand up for what I feel is right.

I have read this story about these two guys, who are "gay". However you want to say it, they are together as a couple, and even moreover they have "twin sons" they know each one "fathered" one, and the other the other one. They know the Mom, who carried the twins and knows the story also.

I guess even though I had read about it, I had not realized until very recently this is in Texas! Which is neither here nor there, expect it makes me want to even speak up MORE for these men. How ridiculous is it to "take away" biological "parents" from two loving, upstanding, "fathers", who above all HAD THESE BOYS BECAUSE THEY WANTED TO! It took a great deal of courage to go through this knowing how "homophobic" others can be. It is certainly not as bad as it used to be, but here in TX, I would assume to say, more people than in many other states, probably are more to leaning to be "homophobic" than others.

So, here these proud young Father's are, to be loving and caring for precious little sons, and some stupid Judge say they cannot be on their birth certificates, and further more are not acknowledged at all as far as being "biological" to the twins. Talk about one stuck up, ridiculous, homophobic, stick in the mud, head in the sand, and "non moral" people... this judge has to be heartless and headless it sounds like.

I was looking to see if there is a petition or somewhere we can "sign" on stating that we as others in this nation stand up and give these Dad's the legal rights as parents should have. Being "gay" straight, or whatever does not a parent make for sure!! but, wanting, loving, raising, providing for their needs, keeping food in their mouths, and a roof over their head, saving for school, college and watching them grow and have dreams of their own is what these men should be able to do... WITHOUT SOME OLD FART judge stepping in the way....

There should be NO argument whatsoever... these are their sons... period....

I hope others will also stand up and speak their peace on this. These guys deserve a happy life as parents, just as any male/female couple does.

When the Physicians Allow You to Hurt Like Hell - and play this "hurry up and wait" Ordeal - Intractable Pain....

I did not finish this BEFORE leaving the page yesterday, so everything I wrote after this initial post was lost. I had asked if anyone had one of these "discograms".... and if so was it as bad as what I am reading? It just seems like this is not a test to take lightly. Plus you may end up in worse pain than you already are. I went to my Orthopedic surgeon this week. He was the one that actually put my new right shoulder in and then done my 4 level neck surgery about two years ago. As awesome of a SURGEON AND DOCTOR as he is, he "patient repoire" SUCKS!! He "hates" an educated patient. I had written before that him and I have gotten into it, before he did my neck surgery. I had given him my own thoughts after doing a great deal of research, even on the "reverse shoulder replacement" and he just didn't appreciate "me" a layman, even attempting to let him know my thoughts on the situation. He basically told me I was "stupid".... and later on, after the surgeries were done and MOST OF WHAT I SAID, was TRUE about my situation, he had in his own weird way had to 'APOLOGIZE" for making it sound like I was stupid. I never got a total I am sorry, or apology, but in his own way, he kind of smoothed everything over. Anyway now I've found more information on "sacroiliitis.... that sounds also more like what is going on with me and my very lower back, almost at my tailbone, and then into both hips and traveling at times down to my knees.... I just did some research on it, after a doctor in CA had "tweeted" me about what I posted about my lower back and hip pain... I found out this issue often is looked over, and the doctors "miss" that this is the issue, and blame it on a lumbar spine thing instead. Well, as I've told both doctors now, I feel I have two issues.... maybe my very lowest lumbar vertebra and my S-1 -S-2 have issues.... BUT there is something going on with my hips themselves, or another issue causing the severe hip pain. He had the audacity to tell me that the severe pain I was having in my hips, no way could be caused by bursitis... or the like... which is bull... I KNOW I've had hip bursitis several times and it hurts like hell!!! Now here I sit, in fact I just tried the very "test" this doctor said to try in order to see if this is possibly this sacroiliitis or not. And both sides put me almost in a scream to try and "test" to see if that is the cause. So, now here I am NOT gotten any relief and in fact, I am WORSE TODAY!!! And I don't see my pain doctor until next Thursday. I am in tears with severe pain. It matters not if I sit, stand, walk... right now the sitting is the worst. But, if I go out and walk a bit, then it also hits me like a razor sharp ball of fire into my very low buttocks, and hips, then down the sides of both legs.... I cannot take much more of this crap.... I am almost to the place of intractable pain again..... Why is it, no matter how badly we hurt, it is always this "hurry up and wait" game with physicians????
I've done enough research through out all of my chronic illness and pain issues now for so many years, I could almost be a doctor myself... or a pretty good researcher....

Yet, this is beginning to be the end of how much I can take. I realize ANY of us are in all types of pain. Often we are in such an overload of it, we would do just about any and everything to stop it.

What do you do? We know that going to an ER with "chronic pain' is just about like peeing out of the back of a moving truck bed. We know that most of our physicians, want to do a billion dollars worth of tests, scans, injections, treatments, and all or none may work or not work. I have said over and over again, that no matter where they have ever done "CT Scans", or MRi's, EMG's, EEG's.... all types of nerve tests... blood work. and yes there is some thing that show up. Yet, only when a surgeon FINALLY GOES IN - that is when they see JUST HOW BADLY MY JOINTS ARE SCREWED UP!

I've been told that by several of my physicians over the years. So, again, I will repeat, since it is worth repeating, TESTS DO NOT ALWAYS mean they are TRUE AND CORRECT! Tests are usually as good as the person doing them, and then whomever does the reading of them...

A very good example just happened to me this week. I had a CT can about 4 weeks ago, on my lumbar spine. It did show some problems in my lumbar spine, and although not just HUGE issues, my pain doctor said it could be enough to cause the pain I am having.

I go to my Orthopedic Surgeon this week. He was "supposed" to have a copy of the CT Scan. Somehow, between me going into that building, and seeing him in his office, my CT Scan results suddenly disappeared. I KNOW it was there with the paperwork I brought in. I saw it, and I said it twice or three times... his office somewhere lost it, put it in another chart or something. BUT, He did DO regular X-Rays on my lower lumbar spine and hips. He could tell me MORE by regular X-rays about my lumbar spine, and so forth THAN THE CT SCAN EVEN WAS SHOWING... and He had NOT even seen the scan. So, that just goes to show, with a simple couple of X-rays, a physician that KNOWS what he is looking for, can sometimes find something before ordering other very expensive, more invasive tests! I thought he had been reading the CT Scan. Then he mentioned about possibly having one done. I said well I just had one 4 weeks ago and I brought it in with the rest of that paperwork. Of course NO he had not seen it, but it did see the problems. He began to tell me that due to the extreme amount of pain I was in, there was no way that my hips could cause the pain. I say BULL! When I was this bad before, my hips were injected into the bursa with corticosteroid and it worked, two times at least. 

Anyway, it went on to prove to me, in all honesty, when a proper physician sees some tests such as this plain X-Ray.... they can go by that and what the patient says, rather than order $1,000.00's of dollars worth of tests, that if not read correctly would not show how bad it really was.

So, I have tried just about any and everything to "keep my mind" off the pain... between baking, writing, doing emails, reading and so on... nothing is helping. Here it is Friday afternoon, and I have another week to put up with this mess.....

Could I scream????!!!!! YOU BET I COULD!!!!!!!!!

"Fitness Friday" - WEGO Health Writer's Challenge for April 24th, 2015

Oddly enough here I sit writing when I actually am supposed to be out walking with my spouse! Due to all of his health issues, pain and so forth from the severe accident a year ago last month, it has taken him a very long time, well a year, to get to the place he feels he CAN somewhat take a walk. And the thing is before his accident I walked daily, 7 days a week, at least a mile. I walked my drive way back and forth every morning, rain, shine, just not in the cold... joints and bones HATE the cold weather.

Now, I had for various reasons almost stopped my "daily routine" of exercise, walking, and riding an elliptical when the weather does not allow me outside... Between all of my own heath issues, the long drawn out process (a year also, really more) to FINALLY have MY DENTURES and THE LOWER ONES ARE REALLY ANCHORED down NOW!!! What a miracle.  I thought that day may never come. In fact, I was just in my dentists office today. I had some issues with some of the material he had used when making the little places in the denture fit over the little mini implanted posts. So, I went in and he fixed that for me...

He did say all looks very well. That he could see I was taking care of the posts inside my jawbone, along with the dentures. So, he was so pleased with that. Gosh, I should be ELATED! After over $12,000.00 worth of work, plus blood, sweat and some tears They should be make out of gold, platinum and "precious stones"... LOL! I guess that would weigh me down so much, I would not be able to open my mouth, OR worse I would NEVER be able to shut it!!! As if I don't talk enough to drive a preacher to drink, Lord knows I don't need anything to make me keep my mouth open anymore than it already is.

So, my own exercise routine kind of went astray for a bit. I say that but in a way, I have been almost getting MORE exercise daily between shopping, cleaning, cooking, laundry, vacuuming, sweeping, dusting, and as that list continues on and on.... Days like when I vacuum then "shampoo" my carpets. They are not wall to wall, we have hardwood floors, but our huge area rugs in three of our rooms take a great deal of elbow grease to clean them. Well, I like to go over them twice, if possible. But, the last two times I confess I only made it once on them.

Anyway, I consider things like laundry, making the bed, chasing after our dogs, and cleaning up after them every day, all of my pulling weeds, tending to about 80 houseplants, that now need even more care because they are outside for the Spring and Summer. Still that means everyday watering... thus that is a workout in itself.

I will say since my husband began his regime of daily walking. He goes out about 4 to 5 times daily, and makes several laps around the driveway. I usually go out and do the same with him. Plus, I am beginning my own walking habit daily again since this weather is beginning to be warmer, yet not too warm.

I do some stretching exercises, and wished there were many more things I could do, like I used to be able to. As with many types of chronic illnesses, especially autoimmune illnesses that tend to strike you in the joints pretty often, there are many things I could do, yet no longer are feasible. I was never very "Athletic". But, about the time I turned 21, I wanted to be in better health, look better, and be able to wear "cute" clothes back then. I had a tiny bit of an issue with my weight as a teenager. I was never "obese", but I had about 20 pounds on me, right after my son was born. I was determined to shed ALL of the weight (which was about 20 pounds) that I had gained in the pregnancy. Then I also wanted to drop another 10 pounds or a bit more, in order to just look good. Not too thin, but to get to where I felt "good" about my own self, when I looked in the mirror. And that became a way of life for me. I walked at least 5 miles a day, took aerobics classes a couple times a week. Back then I did all of the lawn work, mowing, and everything in between. That was in addition to a full time job, two kids, and I at that time was going to college at night to hope to have at least an Associates Degree. Anyway, up until 2007 when my joints that were already giving me problems began to get so worn and I was in so much pain, I finally had to have both knees replaces, along with shoulder,
and other joint issues, that kept me from snow skiing, now I am really not supposed to mow, but I sure have been thinking about trying lately. Also at the time I was walking so much, and watched every bite of food that went into body. They used to tell the waiter or waitress in restaurant, to bring me a "head of lettuce" and a bottle of fat free Ranch Dressing and all would be fine!

So, my main exercise program now is to do my walking daily. Then I also take my chores and errands, and when possible I spread them out, so that every day I have something I could be doing that requires a bit more work. Whether that be the laundry, or vacuuming, shampooing carpets. I have LOTS of weed pulling outside to do now. Along with caring for all of my other plants and flowers  I also try to make my way around the market, or a big store like "Wally world" almost a "workout". By making sure I hit many isles, and try to make the most out of all of those steps too.

One of the "largest" work outs I get, unfortunately, I don't get to go that much is walking around the biggest Casino's in the world - the Winstar, in Oklahoma. Talk about getting your miles in. If I lived closer, I would just go there several times a week, just to walk and get so much exercise. I wouldn't even gamble, it would be just the walking all over that probably estimating 5 miles from one end all the way to the other.

I wished I could say I had this fabulous gym that I went to, and done Pilates each week and so forth. But, I must stick with my "fast paced walking" along with all of my daily chores and errands as my "exercise" to stay fit.

As it stands, between my same old walking, and housework, yard work errands, this is my "method of madness" when it comes to exercise

Thursday, April 23, 2015

WEGO Writer's Challenge Month April 23, 2015 - "Our Choice" of what to Write About

I have a smile as I start this. With WEGO allowing us a "write about what you you choose today" could possibly be a very lengthy readers challenge!

As I always warn people, I don't think I am even capable of writing anything "short". Even my emails can consist of enough words to be a "Novella" at times. That is the "writer" in me. Some people have "bugs" in them... I have "writer" and "voice" within my nature. The "bug" thing was to be a "ding" from that show that was on about all of the different "creatures" people had picked up, and then got very ill due to them. From fleas, deer ticks, to all kinds of worms, and so forth. That show was eery, but also interesting.

Anyway, as I mull it around in my mind what subject I may like to talk about, one item that tends to comes up in my everyday life is, "loyalty". When I say loyalty that could mean anything from being a "loyal" customer to a department store, to a loyal friend.

I was raised "old school" I guess you may call it. My Dad taught me (he was born in 1923 and lived a bit of what he remembered through the Great Depression), although he was very young; that everyone gets their commendations for being truthful, honest, loyal, committed, and to keep their word. On jobs, my Dad first of all was not all that thrilled about me having to work when I was young and my kids small. He was so totally raised in such a different time frame, that women did for the most part stay at home, and did all of those things, and men earned the paycheck and took care of bills.

Well, we all know that as "great" and fantastic is that may sound, for the most part, if you have a family, it takes two and sometimes MORE than to put kids through school, feed everyone, make mortgage payments, car payments, and unless you are fortunate enough, you never have "cash" to buy a car outright. You usually don't have "cash" to do many things for your home, your kids, and family outright, because everywhere we turn, things are so much more expensive. Cars (new) are no longer $2,000.00 cash. Heck you can barely use that for a down payment. If you are lucky, it will be that, but if not, you can expect more.

Same way with homes. My parents paid $50.00 a MONTH for their tiny 2 bedroom home, that included taxes and insurance for 30 YEARS. I am talking about a home that is barely 1,000 square feet. OF course they paid that off many, many years ago. My Mom still lives in that home also.

So, the idea of a "small town" everyone knows everyone, and used to provide a running tab at a local store that you paid at the end of the week. Or the small town, you got an awesome deal on local items due to the "Mom and Pop" stores that did line our city streets. Shamefully most of those are gone. Unless they have really worked to KEEP up a "self-owned" store; they have been overtaken by the HUGE "one stop shops" of these last several decades.

So, onto what I feel my post today is all about. Not long ago I had a situation where I felt that I needed to "honor" a particular group and my own "loyalty" to me, was to make sure I did all I could to promote things for these people. Well, I was asked some questions, and due to my background of feeling like I needed to remain loyal to one, the questions asked from another seemed to be "fishing for me" to use the first event to also "help promote" the 2nd event.

Well, I guess that is where I see things a bit differently than what happens in this time of life. I was told that it was not that I was being "not loyal" to first first event, if I used it to gain information, and "promote" at the same time another event. I felt uncomfortable with this, because to me, I was "using" one to help the other.

I was then told, that is was all a part of "networking". In other words, using "resources" from one place, whether a job, an event, a group or whatever, using your information from one to help the 2nd was "okay" and not "cheating" your original group you were doing things for.

I guess  my "idea" is that for instance, I was working at a women's clothing store. I had been an employee for a few years, and I was "loyal" to them. I felt that was the proper thing to do. But, later down the line, I was approached by another women's clothing store, that would be a "rival" to where I worked. They asked me to send some clients there way by telling those who come into where I work, that they could go over to the "other" store and pay less, or get a discount, or something of the sort. Or say I was "moonlighting" at a competitors store, while I was supposed to be supporting who I worked for.

Those are kind of what I am talking about. I consider "networking" a tool used let's say by several organizations that do similar things. Maybe they are both in the place of "research" when it comes to a new stomach bug, or a new medication. If "they" as companies decide to "combine their efforts", then to me that is fine. It is on the "up and up", the Boards of both will determine all of what will happen, thus that is great and dandy.

But, if one or two employees from one place, go over to a competitor, and give out vital information about themselves to the rival, or in any way try and "get their foot in the door" by having someone who works there do it for them, to me that is NOT networking. It is just not correct. I feel it is something that if you cannot be "loyal" as a representative, then you should not be there at all. No one should "feel" even say best friends.... there are 3 of them. One tells the middle one about a certain free item, or better buy, or tells them that the "3rd" friends information could be used to help the other... to me that is just poor character, and no one should ever be asked in any shape or form, whether you volunteer, whether you work somewhere, any thing where it involves something helping the "rival" then to me that is just not how I was brought up. You GET MERIT for a job well done! You get where you are destined by being loyal, upfront, trustworthy, and not "back stabbing" someone else per'se.

Now I realize with this nation and our world in such a horrid mess all around, that these types of activities go on daily. Whether it be a "news" station trying to one up another, or a clothing retailer trying to gather inside information about a rival by asking someone to do the "snooping" around etc.

There are usually at least "two" sides to every story, and usually more than two. So, what one person deems, "networking" even though they may not have really used the entire truthful way to obtain a "foot in the door" or not, everyone sees things in a different light.

This is NOT about any one situation that has involved myself, but my daughter has ran into in even on a "school level" as far as her kids go. She sees it all the time, those who sometimes "get their way" and they are not as qualified as another child, then hard feelings develop.

If this does not make sense, blame it on my Lupus/RA/Sjogrens Brain fog!!!  This has came to mind to me on several occasions and I really have never written my opinion on the subject..

There is no "right or wrong" here... just different beliefs, and often times it totally has to do with the "time frame" in life, how you were raised, and so on....