A typical scene. You are pushing your cart through the market. You round the corner, and there stands a sweet little elderly lady, humped over, frail, and appears to be so fragile she might break. Your first thought, wow, osteoporosis.
You go a few more isles over, and round the corner, to see a woman, maybe in her late 40's, possibly very early 50's at the most, standing straight, possibly "small-boned", never giving a thought to wow that woman must have "osteoporosis".
Well, if you guess yes to both, then you are a winner. If you guessed the first one, you were only 50 percent right.
You make walk 4 more isles, pass another elderly lady, a tad bit frail, but holding her own at around 80, and you may wonder, wow, she could also have "brittle bone disease", but no, not at all, her bones may be quite well for her age.
Osteoporosis, used to be a disease, that I also would have considered an "elderly" illness. One of those that yes, after many years of age on the bones, we become less active, lose muscle mass, then bone mass, and as we get older our bones are more prone to "break".
Well, if you look at my picture, would you think I have not only "osteoporosis" but, in fact mine is considered as "severe" as it gets. My bones are about the age of an 80 year old or more.
The look on my face is one of longing. Longing to be able to pick that guitar up again and carry on with the "lessons" I had been taking, the music I had been playing, on it, as well as my drums and keyboard before this horrid chronic illnesses, such as Lupus, RA. Sjogren's, Raynaud's, Osteoporosis, and others took away my abilities by making my body either too weak in places, too stiff, too swollen, or just from the fatigue of them all, causing me to not be able to do so many of the things I loved to do.
I have a great deal more to talk about as far as osteoporosis, how it affects women, especially when you begin to lose bone mass during the beginnings of menopause, how you can help your own "bones" by some preventative measures, eating properly, not smoking, daily exercise, and an active lifestyle are ways to possibly "defer" from the "bone breaking" disease.
Yet, other things cannot be helped, such as having to take medications such as corticosteroids that reduce bone mass, chronic illnesses such as Lupus, Rheumatoid Arthritis, and many of the other Autoimmune Arthritic Diseases that contribute to this illness.
For more information you can do your own research at :
National Osteoporosis Foundation -
National Resource Center for Osteoporosis and Related Bone Diseases -
International Osteoporosis Foundation -
And of course always check with your physicians for more information on osteoporosis and any other of the bone related, or autoimmune arthritis diseases.