Friday, December 6, 2013

"IFAA" says "It's Time!"

It's Time For Action! It's Time For a Change! It's Just Time!

Sharing an Article from "Mind Body Green" about "10 Things about RA"

I am happy to share a great and informative Article written by Tami Caskey Brown, from the (IFAA) International Foundation for Autoimmune Arthritis! She is one huge asset to the advocacy to help the fight on RA and the other Autoimmune Arthritic Diseases! I happen to have the great privilege in getting to know Tami and also help her on the great work she puts in on the "Media Awareness Hotline" portion of IFAA's fight against these diseases. The link below is to her article on the "Mind Body Green" Website! Please check it out as well as their site!

"Mind Body Green" 10 things I wished Everyone knew About Rheumatoid Arthritis

You can see more about what is happening at IFAA and what the "Media Awareness Hotline" is all about. It helps to stop articles, papers, news and media items that contain "misleading" or inaccurate information on RA and the other AutoImmune Arthritis Diseases.

International Foundation For Autoimmune Arthritis Media Awareness Hotline

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Whittemore Peterson Neuro-Autoimmune Institute

More News on the World wide front of Autoimmune Illnesses... and another "term" new to me "Neuro-Autoimmune?

I just got a "newsletter" from the Whittemore Peterson Institute. It contains a great deal of the research their doing in regard to FM/CFS/ME. Of course their beginnings are from the 2 doctors that actually discovered CFS/ME - and FM as a "real illness". Most know the story about the small town in Nevada, where suddenly many residents that were very healthy suddenly, with no explanation became so very ill that they were unable to work. This "mysterious illness/syndrome" whatever you want to call it, was bringing in patient after patient to this small clinic where the 2 physicians quickly became overloaded. Years have passed since the first "signs" of these illnesses began. We have been through all kinds of phases, as patients and I can say doctors also. NO one knew much about these. Doctors thought for the most part patients were (especially female patients) were "depressed" stressed, or plain hypochondriacs. Often with a recommendation I am sure that you need a "shrink". Also it was a "waste basket" diagnosis for awhile. Doctors saw patients with some symptoms of FM, CFS/ME thus if they could not really get a good understanding of what may be wrong with a patient, they had FM. And they left a doctor's office horrified. I know I did! I was told this MANY years ago, back when it was either put upon mainly women who exhibited many of the symptoms, and were "busy" wives, Mom's, employees, "chief, cook and bottle washer" of their lives. So "stress" and "depressed" was how we were treated. No really know "reason".. not a virus, not an infection, not a flu (even though symptoms can and are often "Flu" like)... and not a whole lot out in the realms of medicine to explain it. It really wasn't until about the last 5 to 7 years, I've seen a dramatic change in how patients with these illnesses are treated. First of all, you are taken "seriously". Now, FM/CFS/ME are REAL illnesses, so you have a REAL DIAGNOSIS, thus you expect  explanations of why, how, when, what, where and why?  

Why? You also expect to be told what the "treatments" are, and when will I "get over this"... "yuppie flu" (another horrid term used)??? A couple of years back the Whittemore Peterson Institute became very well known throughout the world. They seemed to be "the beginnings of those questions, and also possibly how to get better, treatments, and mainly what it is, how did I get it? They came out with a huge "clinical trial" per se... that showed great promise to those inflicted parties. It was based on "mice" and a "viral" type manifestation, and it spread like wild fire throughout all of the social media, twitter, in news articles... patients, doctors, everyone was talking about this "answer" to these illnesses. It was a bit of a while, but after the glory came disappointment. It was told that these "trials" had not be as exact as the should have been. There were many errors made during all of these that caused for the entire study to be trashed. This "retro" virus that all had hoped answered the call, turned out to be not trustworthy, incomplete, and just brought a downer to those in the middle of these illnesses. Since then, WPI, has been doing some incredible research by many very great people in the medical world, and the discoveries that they are now making DO SHOW GREAT PROMISE! As I was reading over the newsletter a little while ago (and is the POINT to this long post, is that NOW these illnesses are being "grouped" more as "neuro-immune" diseases. In fact the WPI now has their clinic speciality labeled as "Neuro-Immune" Diseases. As I read this, what I have said for a LONG TIME, and what brought it really to hit "home" of course "immune". I've been SAYING for YEARS, these illnesses are in the same scenario and are "autoimmune illnesses". They just have not proven it, but now, "Neuro-Immune surely says it all. I told my husband I WISH so VERY MUCH, I had went onto BECOME A RESEARCHER, in these realms. If I were not so chronically ill, and taken over with brain fog, plus was still around 40 years old... I WOULD GO BACK TO COLLEGE AND GO INTO CLINICAL RESEARCH FOR THESE AUTOIMMUNE illnesses/diseases/syndromes.. it almost breaks my heart, that I long so much to be able to "find a reason, find ways to stop these, and a ways to treat those already with all of them. And I am speaking of All Autoimmune Arthritic and Autoimmune illnesses in general. Life hands us what we are so often not able to reason with... and I don't know "why" I did not more fulfill my college and so on when I was younger... plans change, you "fall" more like "trip" into love... and you let YEARS slip BY... you are 50 +, and chronically ill... thus your "research" is what I and all of you do... advocacy!!! I guess this post is for everyone... ill, not ill, young, elderly, college, high school, wherever you are, whatever you are doing, whatever your dreams maybe.... don't WAIT until all the YEARS PASS you BY... and then like myself, have to live with some regret, that what I almost feel I was "meant" to do, slipped through my fingers, like sands through a sieve. by the way I think I can attach their newsletter....I have their newsletter in a PDF... I'll try to put it on here and then let you now.... in the meantime here is their website

Some of My Posts are worth "Repeating"...

As I went through Facebook this morning to read any new posts there, I found that one of my dear friends went to see her Rheumatologist yesterday. The prognosis was that her RA is worsening and is affecting her vision due to inflammation. So, she is headed for an opthamologist. I know that I had told my "horror story" over the "Neuro-opthamologist before here, but since I decided to tell the story there again for many that may not have seen it when it all took place, I also thought it was very "well worth" repeating again. The LONG of it, and it is long. That is the ONLY way I know to write about it. Start from the beginning about the double vision, since that sent me to an eye doctor in the first place to now when I am still waiting to hear from the Medical Board about how that doctor was "punished" if at all. So, below is how I told it this morning (very early) on FB. I still, even while I wrote it out again this A.M., find it almost too ridiculous to believe! I have had my "rounds" with doctors in the past, but nothing like what happened early that morning at one of the hospitals in Dallas in the operating room I was in.

My post from FB:
 It is wonderful to have a great rheumatologist that helps like that. Mine is an angel from heaven also. I one began to "see double". I first noticed it while watching television one evening. I would "see" the real car in the movie, then right behind and a bit upward I saw "another" car duplicate. It scared me so badly. I am on Plaquenil so I have to see an Opthalmologist annually. It began to get worse, and I would notice it then outside during the daytime. I went to my regular Opthalmologist, and thy put a "sphere" in my glasses. But, they sent me to a Neuro-Opthalmologist. There are only like 3 in the state of TX! Two happened to be in Dallas. The first one is a great doctor but his "bedside" manner was like a BRICK! Worse than that. He saw me like three times and told me NOTHING! He barely even looked at me, all of his 50 "staff" members seemed to do all of the exams. He decided since my "inflammatory" levels in mu labs were up, I may have Temporal Arteritis, which meant LARGE doses of predisone for like 2 YEARS! I mean something like 40 mg daily, which means my osteoporosis (mine is already SEVERE) would just get worse if that is even possible, I would puff out like a balloon (I already gain weight when I have to take the 14 day step down of it with a flare), my skin is already paper thin, my teeth are already having to be pulled out and decaying like crazy, I already bruise extremely extremely easily and I STAY bruised in some places forever, & so on. Every "bad" thing prednisone does I already more than likely have. As my PCP calls is the corticosteroids are a "necessary evil" for many of us. Needles to say, this guy did a "temporal artery biopsy". He never told me "how all that happens, what he would do etc." I had to look it up and then I even questioned my PCP again and asked him if he thought it necessary. Since I was already on a daily small dose of prednisone, even IF I had the Giant Cell Temporal Arteritis", it probably would not show on the biopsy anyway. So, I had it and that is another entire nightmare story! Basically, I had to file a complaint to the Texas Medical Board. He "blew up" at the nurse that was with me in the surgery room, while I was just waking up barely from the procedure. It was so BAD (I was STILL on the operating table!!) that the Anesthesiologist stayed with me to make sure nothing happened to me. Plus there were about 20 other employees standing where all of this took place, as he continued to YELL, CURSE AND SCREAM AT THE NURSE!!! They were standing at the ONLY DOOR OUT, thus I was there for the entire thing. They even called security on him. It is insanity to say the least. It finally got stopped (this went on for more than 5 minutes for sure), and I was taken by the guy who put me to sleep and two more nurses back to outpatient surgery. Boy, they were questioning me to make sure I was okay etc... but when they wheeled me back to outpatient we went RIGHT BY the doctor and he never said ONE WORD!!! To this day he has not apologized or nothing. I NEVER went back, but to see him for the biopsy results which were "negative" anyway. Even that last appointment he never said a word, gave an apology, nothing... but between my call to the hospital, and their calls to me, and reports sent on him to Medicare.. I filed a formal complaint with the Medical Board. My complaint was legit... in fact he went trial over it about mid October, and I know from another letter from the Medical Board, he is still even more under investigation and they are decided just how badly to punish him. The nurse really DID nothing "wrong" from what I was told.. she "opened" one of the sterol instruments in a way that did not "suit" him, so that is what the whole ordeal was about... I know this sounds like something from a horror movie, but this is the ENTIRE TRUTH! Talk about nuts! I was told my by Rheumatologist he used to be a doctor at the teaching hospital where my Rheumy is and they "got rid" of him due to his "temper". Okay after ALL OF THAT (sorry I got side tracked but I tell the story because PEOPLE need to know DOCTORS are not all SAINTS, and they don't know everything... go with your "GUT" feeling... if they don't suit you, find someone else.... So, I go to the only other eye specialist in TX that is close, and it takes like 3 months to get into see him. After all of this, he said it was my "Lupus" causing the double vision. He or "any" of them are sure why ( I STILL think I have a mild case of MS myself & my Rheumy basically agreed with me) so he prescribed an even different type of specialized "sphere" in my glasses so while I have them ON, I do not have double vision. But, without them on I STILL HAVE DOUBLE VISION!!!! Even through this, I went to 3 Neurologists and they could not really say if I have MS, or one seemed to think I have Myasthenia Gravis. Go figure! Which it is ALSO AN AUTOIMMUNE DISEASE! Okay after all of that rambling TIFFANY, definitely find you an Opthamologist that you feel good about. Go with your "gut" feelings about all of it I suggest. Not just the eye specialist, but now with the RA worsening, you may begin (I HOPE NOT) other symptoms... As you already know (OF COURSE) do your HOMEWORK! I know that sounds silly me telling you that. But I found out sometimes being the "patient" and going to a doctor, I don't see the whole thing "objectively" at times. So my husband usually goes so he can see from the "outside" of the picture, if you know what I mean... My heart goes out to you... my vision has worsened... and my glasses are wonderful BUT seeing double the rest of my like honestly SCARES ME! NOT ONE doctor... really could "diagnose" me... the nature of the "beast" of these Autoimmune Arthritic Illnesses... sometimes even the experts "don't know"... so I find I go in sometimes with MORE research, ask them about it, and pretty often, they will put me on a med I suggest, as stupid as that sounds. "We" as patients spend much more TIME than most doctors do "researching" every aspect of these illnesses... where doctors have to know so much more of a LOT of variety of illnesses, thus they sometimes are not even "aware" of the latest and greatest meds, research and so forth. They just don't have TIME enough to "research" each patients medical issues and symptoms as well as we can... that makes sense... with many patients, their time is limited about everything "new"... This AGAIN is where WE, the IFAA CAN AND WILL get these types of things RESOLVED!!! We can make the difference and we will.... all right I will stop my short "novel"... but I had to tell that... for you Tiffany, for all of us here, and for IFAA, I think those stories from those that are "inflicted" with these AAI can step up to resolve many things!!!

Wow! I know a small "novelette" when I post something like this!!! As I said above, this is why, WE MUST follow our GUT feelings when it comes to doctors, labs, tests, hospital care and so forth. They are all "humans"... of which we know we make mistakes. Many of those errors may not be "on purpose", BUT it still means OUR LIFE AND HEALTH in someone else's hands. So, anytime you are at a physician's office, whether it is for one of the AAI illnesses...OR the flu, ANYTHING, ask questions, if possible take a "observer" with you if possible. A caretaker, spouse (often they are both), a close friend, someone that can help look at the visit "objectively". When often go to the doctor, especially a new physician, and before we go, there is an entire list of things we want to ask. Well, I know for myself IF I DON"T make a LIST, a "physical" one, I will forget half or all I wanted to ask. It could be the doctor "answers" your questions before you have to ask. Yet, I find the opposite. Since they have lots of patients, getting "impatient" waiting, they all tend to me walking out of the exam room BEFORE they come in. There truly is NO excuse for it! BUSY yes most of them are busy, BUT as my own Rheumatologist has told me, they should NOT overbook patients and they do. You should NOT have to WAIT hours when you had an appointment set for months!!!! My PCP used to be so good about you arrived, checked in, sat a moment, and then they were calling you back. My PCP was in the room within 5 to 10 minutes at the very most. 
NOW, 4 years later; my appointment will be a follow up for 3 months in the future. I can almost guarantee, that I will be in the waiting area at the very minimum of 45 minutes. And even if I am called back to an exam room, it maybe 2 hours before he gets in!!!! I can understand if it is a "rush sick appointment". BUT when you have a SCHEDULED 3 MONTH AHEAD appointment, that is plain RUDE and inconsiderate!!! Many of these doctors now have posted in the waiting area, if YOU the PATIENT is LATE for over 15 minutes, they will "cancel" your appointment and reschedule!!! OR the one that really irks me, is that YOU WILL PAY 25.00 or MORE if you don't cancel at least 24 hours BEFORE your appointment! What about OUT TIME? WHY IS IT A "DOCTOR'S TIME" is more important than OURS? We have a life also, and are busy. Thus when we make an appointment way in advance we expect to not have to wait HOURS to be seen. Then by the time they walk in the door, they take a quick look at you barely, and then spurt out a few words, and as I said if I don't have that  YELLOW LIST in hand, mine will be out the door and gone. So, the LIST IS OUT as soon as I am in the exam room in plain sight! Now I totally get that they can't have patients constantly canceling appointments at the last moment, BUT there are "emergencies" that you may not know about until a few hours before that visit! Plus, why can't WE charge them? I've been there mor than once, and "he" has an "emergency" and he wants to change or reschedule, and that is okay. And what about paying us for spending often times HOURS for waiting on them??? Plus I have noticed now a nurse will come in and tell you the doctor maybe running late. But before I might sit there alone in that cold exam room for an hour and much more, and not one soul tell me what is going on!!! I've actually thought when it is a late appointment maybe they just left me there and closed up!!!! And I will say, NOT ALL PHYSICIANS are like this. I have several that are very prompt, and I may not wait anytime at all. But those few that do it to us need to have a course in "manners" especially "bedside manners". 

Okay, I've ranted and raved on this subject enough. I have about 10 irons in the fire now, and probably more that I have forgotten to write down! :) Blame it on the "foggy brain" as one of my friend's says. :)

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

More Exciting News & My Blog Posting Helping Elsewhere....

Excited to Blog Elsewhere for An Extremely Important Cause 

Even though I am working to get my "first post" up, since I have been accepted to be a "Blog leader" for IFAA's blog, "Systemically Connected", I wanted to tell all of you! I've been so thrilled about this, that I can't stand to wait any longer!!!! :):) After getting to "graduate" this week from IFAA's "class" to become an "Active Volunteer" for them, I just have to include that I will be posting on their blog from time to time also. When all is in place, I will also have my blog link up in their website, and I'll be listed in the "Systemically Connected" Blog Writers! :):) I am just so overwhelmed, and in a good way about all of it. As just about all of you know, my "advocacy" and helping others fight these autoimmune arthritic illnesses, as well as all of the AI illnesses is NUMBER 1 for me!! Thus my writing, getting a couple of books published, and now as I hope "possibly" to have book number 3!!! able to be published by the end of 2014!!!  (I am not promising anything, because you never know what is in store) but my plan is to try and have it written, and ready for publication late 2014 or early 2015.  That one is so very important because it will be my own journey through the lifestyle of those with chronic illness and chronic pain... and a bit more about my life's path... Anyway, I realize with "health" there are no guarantees... and I fear the Rituxan maybe wearing off sooner than expected. I am having the same pain I had before I had the infusions over the past week, so I pray it is just the weather being so nuts, and not the medication "stopping" to work before the 4 to 6 months it should last. ...more to come... I want to get my blog post on this up and then get busy on a couple more things for today!!!! 

By the way, both IFAA and Systemically Connected have link right on the front page on my blog here. You will see them down on the right hand side below my posts.....


Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Your Shopping Online Can Mean An Easy Donation for IFAA! Happy Holidays!

If you are planning to shop on for your holiday gift list. Or if like myself, everything comes from Amazon, even my sofa!  Please consider using Amazon Smile ! With the click to purchase your shopping needs, Amazon will donate 5% to our Foundation. A simple and painless way to help so many that suffer from Autoimmune Arthritic Illnesses.

Your help is always so appreciated!

Use the link above and it will take you to Amazon Smile. :)

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Just a Couple of Happenings in my World to catch you up on...

YEAH!!!!!! I FINALLY got to finish the project I need to finish!!! My computer crashed out at the very worst moments of my life... I was in the middle of a "graduation project" for becoming an Active Volunteer for IFAA! I was just in the beginnings of working on it, when whatever transformer blew down the street, that took my I-MAC with it! i finally got my new I-MAC in Wednesday, and as I said I think the FEDEX man deliberately waited to bring mine as the very last delivery of the day! He always comes by 3pm. It was like 5pm before he arrived... I thought maybe he crashed his truck or something.. then of course we had to get all of my stuff off of my back up drive and onto my new one. And then settings, mail, you name it, of course, it had to be done. Plus there are SO MANY new features, that I am loving already and more I have to even learn about. So, finally after some Friday, part of yesterday and most of this morning and part of the afternoon, I finished up my research and just emailed it to Tiffany, who was the Founder, and now one of the 4 co-founders of IFAA! I also think I may get to participate in some other activities with another big health advocacy organization! I'll know more this week. PLUS HUGE news!!! I've had a couple of days over the past week almost 500!!!!! people on my blog!!!! I am so thrilled! I am so happy I didn't give up. So, I know it is something that is meant for me to do. I am also going to be a "lead blogger" on another site (one of the Lead bloggers)... there are several... and when that is official I will also post that too.... I finally feel like the work of all the advocacy that I feel it what I am here for is finally coming together! Lots of patience, lots of just waiting until the right moment, the right people, and the right time comes along... I am absolutely exhausted, but I am absolutely thrilled about all of it. 

There are some great things happening and I am honored to share them with all of you. You are the ones that make me keep going. Even when I "see" only a couple of "fans" have been here on one day, those over 400 the next makeup for it! I appreciate every one of you, and my hopes are that each of you will give in a bit off yourself, and comment on some of my posts. It doesn't have to be long and drawn out, but a few quick words about your feelings will always be welcome! As this holiday weekend winds down, and we look ahead just a few weeks until the next BIG TWO are coming soon, I hope everyone is safe, happy, and well. We always hear "take care of yourself", or we catch ourselves saying it, but most of the time, WE think we know better; and for the most part we do know ourselves better, just sometimes we don't "listen" very well!  

I hope to be back on the right track since the new I-MAC has arrived, and we shall see what the surgeon has to say about these darned hernia's tomorrow morning... I'll keep you posted...


Saturday, November 30, 2013

Have A "Game" Plan?!! IFAA Does! Rocking Autoimmune Illinesses Right Out of the Stadium!!!!

IFAA ready to kick Autoimmune Arthritic Illnesses right out of the door!

International Foundation For Autoimmune Arthritis - Standing On Your Side of the Field!

This is one of the most incredible non-profits I've ever seen! Although "small" right now, they can just about outdo any of your larger non-profits in the way they gets things going! Another HUGE plus, EVERYONE in the entire non-profit HAS ONE OF THESE AUTOIMMUNE ARTHRITIC ILLNESS OR MORE! So as you ask yourself about things such as earlier detection, earlier doctors, labs, tests, medications and even almost more than that, EARLY EDUCATION AND COMMUNICATION can and will lead to an earlier remission, or even possible a chance of not even having anyone to deal with these illnesses again!!! From their "showing" at the White House, making a huge impact on Congress, to being able to have the ability to find other ways they can change the face of AAI's forever, this group refuses to take "no" for an answer! Please visit the link above and see just how the IFAA has already changed and will continue to change many lives!

Thursday, November 28, 2013

From My Home to Yours...

I hope this comes up ;)

Thankful... Grateful... Blessed... A Holiday for Reflection...

What Will You Reflect Upon this Holiday Season...

Well, as superficial as this is to be a morning to be thankful for so much. Right now I am very thankful my new I MAC came in yesterday afternoon very late may I say.  LOL! I sat here on pins and needles all day long, listening for the FEDEX truck. Of course I must have been the very last stop on his delivery schedule. It was almost 4pm before I finally heard that truck from down the street! I had hoped all day long that my computer was not sitting in a broken down truck, or got left in Hutchins accidentally at the hub and so forth. Well, my fears were squelched because it arrived safe and sound. Gosh, thankful?! I am thankful for so many things in my life. My husband, my family, friends, as horrible as my health seems at times, I am still up right walking, and bless people's heart I still can speak, some probably think too much!  I am much like most of us. It is purest "human nature" to fuss, gripe, whine, moan and groan. Whether it is about family, spouses, kids, finances, jobs, bills, health and healthcare for sure, and the list is endless of things that tend to grate our nerves. But, today is one day to reflect upon the many, many blessings we have in health, family, homes, kids, and in life. As I said a moment ago in a post, it is a cliche' to say, "It could be so much worse". Well, yes, in our heart's, even though there are days our minds don't quite follow, we know it could be a great deal worse. As we open our newspapers, or look at our favorite news reader; perhaps listen to the "nightly news", all around us is much, much worse. Some of it almost too terrible to even speak of. We have seen it so much, heard it so much, talked about it so much, from politics, to foreign nations, from job loss, to the horror in our nation from human willing to hurt others like themselves, that we truly have become complacent to it. Or, I don't think so much as we've become "complacent", for myself I just almost don't want to "stomach" more of the same. There seems to be very little to no "good news". We don't hear about the puppy saved down the street, or how a town completely rebuilt itself after a flood, fire or some horrific incident. Oh, we hear about the horrific incident all right. In fact to me that is the main problem ALL we HEAR and SEE are the "bad" things happening around the globe. I've questioned that numerous times, whatever happened to "good" news? My husband answers because "good" news doesn't sell. For the most part, people want the "blood, guts, and horror". Take a look at all of our movies, our television shows, the games that our kids and that some of us as grown ups play on our latest video's boxes. Is there much good anymore? What happened to "Pac Man or Woman"? What happened to "Mario"? What happened to "Pretty Woman", or "City of Angels"? Look around and yes there is violence, horror, man kind against their own, floods, droughts, fires, loss... a great sense of loss... and no one knows more about loss that each and every family with military folks. Those people know loss. Even though they may not physically have someone they "lose" as far as that route of eternity. Yet, they suffer "loss" from all sense of direction, when they come home from what they have had to endure, see, hear and do. So, as you spend time today with family, with friends, with just your spouse, or possibly maybe just yourself... let's try to reflect upon all of the true goodness we do have. Even though it "could" go away tomorrow, try in the next days ahead to "hold onto" those good thoughts. The world CAN be a better place. Just look around, and you might just see something good right at your own door step. Happy Thanksgiving, and I am very Happy to have my family, and my "online" family! Be blessed, Be safe, and please ..... Don't get too sick on all of the fantastic food!  Rhia