Showing posts with label twitter. Show all posts
Showing posts with label twitter. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

"Giving Tuesday November 27th 2018" STOMP OUT BULLYING!!!! The "Global Movement"

Giving Tuesday, the Tuesday after Thanksgiving, is a movement to create an international day of giving at the beginning of the Christmas and holiday season. On this day of GIVING, we ask you to think of the youths who we work to keep safe at school every day .. the youths who we work to keep safe online... the youth whose lives we save every day.

World Kindness Week is November 13 - 20th. The purpose of World Kindness Week is to highlight good deeds in the community, focusing on the positive power and the common thread of kindness that binds us. Today and every day, focus on the good and spread kindness wherever you go. One way you can do this is to stand up for people who don't have a strong voice. You can also use inclusion, unity, respect and acceptance to spread kindess to the people around you. YOU can make a huge difference.

At STOMP Out Bullying, we LOVE to share messages and stories of kindness, and to hear yours. What are your plans for this World Kindness Week? Share your thoughts with us on social media and let’s keep the global conversation on kindness going.

Friday, November 11, 2016

WEGO Health Day 11 - Bloggers Challenge a "TOP TEN "must follow" Lists From Facebook Twitter, and Blogs....

This one is kind of a mixed up "bunch" for me. I have those that follow me on Facebook, but they may rather follow my blog posts, or I know I have a good deal of following on Twitter. I really never have "kept up" with the number that come back again and again, but do know those that comment and read often, because they either give me a thumbs up, mention my "Newspaper" yes, I do have a Daily Newspaper I put out, FOR Chronic Pain, Chronic Illnesses and Dementia. I send it out daily on Twitter, Linkedin, FB, plus there is a follow page on my blog, in case you want to joint my daily Newspaper. I will say the newspaper "seems" to be giving people a great deal of information, because the articles are from reliable sources for the most part, I have also "tailored" it for those with the Autoimmune, Chronic Illnesses, such as Diabetes, Heart problems, and so forth, plus Chronic Pain, and all that comes with the controversy on it now, especially on our medications for chronic pain. Plus I added "Dementia/Alzheimer's" after my Mom passed away last June 9th, due to the fact I "feel" that it may run in our family, on Mom's side. Both of my Grandparents had it, but my Grandfather, had full blown very difficult Alzheimer's. Mom's turned into an aggressive, what we feel was the "Lewy Bodies" Dementia, that I watched take a woman of 78 years old, who could still drive, clean her home, and cook, etc... to within 4 months go to being bedridden, in diapers, could not even remember her home, who she was, and mostly had no memory most of the time of who I was. Within 2 more months it took her life. One of the most difficult times in my life, and something that has "changed" me forever, in SO many ways.... some good for the most part, and some may say things that may not be so good... but I know to just roll with the flow of it all, and NEVER take ONE MOMENT of life for granted.

So, Here is kind of a "mixed list" of blogs, Facebook friends, Twitter followers, and those that comment, and are "followers" in one way or the other....

Facebook Followers and I follow them also


Venetia Shafer- FB

Amanda Matheny - FB

Cynthia Carr Czaplicki - FB and she really is wonderful about making comments and reading, plus she is a relatively new friend there. 

Betty Walters - FB

Raymond Veditz - FB
Judith Flanagan  - FB
Barby Ingle - FB
Nancy Hershalman Gipson - FB
Jean Marie Ely Breaux - FB
Jane Gill-Wilson  - FB

Blogs I follow (and love to tell others about)
Arthritis Foundation (I know it is a website but they have a blog also)
The Hurt Blogger
Rheumatoid Arthritis Guy
All Flared Up
Little Miss Autoimmune
Barby Ingle (all of her writing, articles, books & more)
Float Like a Buttahfly
Not Standing Still Disease
An Autoimmune Arthritic Systemic Life (of course my own  ;)
WEGO Health's Blog, & ALL of the Help. Challenges (good kind) and assistance they give to all of us!! (Website in general)
Creaky Joints

Twitter Followers

JoJo @SuzieMay08
Told You I Was Sick (Also great blog/writer!)
Arthritis Foundation
WEGO Health
Cure Click
Cluster Shade
Patient Power
A Chronic Voice

And there are so many more, that either follow me, or we follow one another on Facebook, Twitter,Linkedin, Blogs, and even emails. There are many URL's that truly "help and guide me" at times.  US Pain Foundation, and International Pain Organization, Med-Page and any "medical newsletters I get and save. they are also a wealth of information.

So, to those who I may have "missed" here, I apologize, because I do see and read you, your posts, and know much about your lives and what all of you are going through.


So, Here are my lists!


and by the way, here is the link to my newspaper and the name of it!!headlines

Life Chronic Pain & Autoimmune Systemic Diseases & Dementia®

"All aspects of autoimmune & chronic pain illnesses, fighting to survive & grow past them"




Sunday, August 7, 2016

Sunday's A.M Addition to my Newspaper All things Autoimmune, Chronic Pain and Dementia! And Suggestions?????

My Brand News Newspaper for Sunda AM is OUT and Here is the link:!headlines

This is MINE to Add, change, or whatever I feel my audience" wants to read, see, hear more about and so forth (as far as health issues go) PLEASE FEEL FREE TO MAKE SUGGESTIONS...if yu have another health issue, or would like to see more about something in health, let me know and I can go in and get more article and information about those topics as well as the ones I am giving you!

I am DOING THIS FOR YOU!!! "My "Audience) So, post, email ,speak up even post on the paper itself and give me your personal thoughts and issues!

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

YOUR VOICE on Capitol Hill at the "Virtual Summit" can be heard! YOU WILL BE HEARD! E-Advocacy and more for the Arthritis Foundation

Okay Guys and Gals!!! I am asking for YOUR Participation in this EXTREMELY IMPORTANT situation. As most of you probably know I have made "Platinum Ambassador" for the Arthritis Foundation for 2014-15. So, I am headed for Washington D.C. March 22, through March 24-25th... for the Annual "Summit on the Hill" by the AF. We will be going personally to Capitol Hill to both the Senate and House of Representatives, to meet with as many of them as we can. If we don't get to meet personally with them, we still usually meet with their "health legislative" assistants, and other staff that can help to deliver our information and message. It is IMPERATIVE THOUGH that ALL OF YOU that can't be there, really and truly KNOW YOUR VOICE COUNTS!!! I know many of us have become disenchanted with "Congress" - our Senators and Representatives for many reasons. Yet, I know PERSONALLY FOR a FACT that YOUR VOICE DOES MATTER!!! I have seen the results of what letters, phone calls, messages, and meetings can do for all of us in the matter of Arthritis, whether osteoarthritis, RA, Juvenile RA, Still's Disease PLUS ALL of our other "Autoimmune" and other health issues. BUT, WE need YOU to also raise your voice and be heard. We will be DELIVERING YOUR LETTERS PERSONALLY to the Senators and Representatives that you can follow from instructions below, and fill in your personal parts, tell your story also, or however you want to personalize it. The Arthritis Foundation NEEDS "Virtual SUMMIT people" and that is YOU. Even if you are going to DC, still please use this letter to be given to your Senators, and Representatives. ONE VOICE can MOVE MOUNTAINS! I have witnessed it, and continue to truly believe we do matter. BUT, if you DON'T contact them, then they do not know your situation and how YOU feel. So, I am posting here, on my blog, on my Pinterest, on my Instagram, on Twitter, everywhere I can about how to be a part of this critical movement! This is for ALL of us, with these horrible illnesses, that need help with getting good physicians, the MEDICATIONS WE NEED and making them AFFORDABLE FOR ALL! This is about those in our nation, many of our Armed Forces Come home with arthritis problems or develop them..... and many of our youngest of this nation are also patients, with Juvenile Arthritis. I want to urge each of you to take a bit of time and send your letters. I am including all of the instructions in an attachment and at the URL that is provided. If you have questions feel free to ask me, either through Facebook, or through message or email me. If you would like me to help or if you have a message you want me to take your letters with me, and I will make sure they get delivered. 

Here is your link to sign on to be an "E-Advocate" for the Arthritis Foundation. This gives you a voice via emails and so forth so you can be heard at the National Congressional Level. It is not time consuming, you don't even have to leave the house, but this is a way to be able to speak up and be heard by your Congressional Leaders that you voted in. Let them know how you feel, and what you feel is good for yourself and the nation when it comes to Arthritis, RA, Osteoarthritis, and ALL of the other diseases that are often in tandum with arthritic illnesses. It takes a few moments to sign up and be heard for the rest of your life by those who can help to make things better in the realms of your health.…/sign-up-to-be-an-e-advocate.php

Then this is how you can "attend" the Annual Summit on the Hill as a member of the "Virtual Summit"... this link provides you with a sample letter that you can also personalize, add your picture, and tell your story about your health issues when it comes to arthritis, whether a patient, caretaker, family member, or just want to be a "voice" to help others.


You can download the "letter" from that link, and all of the instructions are there so you can send it back via email to those that will be taking YOUR letters directly to Congress. WE are giving a VOICE to YOU, even if you can't attend... as I said, if you have questions, need help, or however I can assist you, feel free to email, message me, or post and I will be more than happy to help out in any way I can.

 ALSO!!! SOCIAL MEDIA is a HUGE way to get your messages across. MANY of our Congressional Members have Facebook pages, Twitter, Instagrams, and so forth. That is another way you can also make contact with them, so be sure to also look that up. I have both of my Senators and my Representatives Facebook pages, and I've sent Tweets to them and emails also from their websites. Sign up for their newsletters. That is a great way to find out how to contact them also.


Here you go!!! "Proof" is in the "pudding"!!! this study is compelling to show that a few "Tweets" or other type of Social Media use can capture your Leaders Attention on a Subject ...  

Thursday, December 11, 2014

PLACES I FOLLOW IN MY TWITTER - "Twitter" Hashtags...

As our "methods" of finding information online, or passing information around online continue to evolve, it is sometimes almost impossible to keep up with what everything means... we now have "twitter", and also "hashtags", we have Facebook groups, pages... we have Pinterest, blogs, Linkedin, we can "follow" some page, group, non-profit, we can be volunteers, Advocates, Activists, Ambassadors, we can be the ones ill with chronic pain, chronic illnesses, and the thousands of online sites you can get to for information about everything from doctors, medications, Pharmaceutical Companies, we can find kin folks, friends, classmates, ancestors, family trees, online books, online instructions... we can order online & get things in email, or by "snail mail", or pay bills online and have it in "real time" post to our accounts.

Our "daily" online world changes what seems like every moment. If something happens in a country thousands of miles away, we can know it in an instant. We can save hundreds of thousands of lives in knowing about large storms, violent eruptions, medical history in the making, watch surgeries online, watch directions of how to online, see our friends and family online, talk to everyone online.

I find I have a difficult time keeping up with exactly what some of our newest "ideas" mean. About the time I "almost" figured out Twitter, and hashtags, then this new "hashtags" main came out, and I am trying to figure out the proper way to use them. It seems they can be an "instant link" to every "search term", site, Facebook page, everyone on Twitter... technology in the making when you breathe in and out, something new has happened. So, I am "listing" some hashtags that you might find useful in a general sense of your searching for different things.

I will add to this list as I go along. In fact I may put this into a different "page" so it will be on top and available for you....



