Showing posts with label stomp out bullying. Show all posts
Showing posts with label stomp out bullying. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

"STOMP OUT Bullying!"


STOMP Out Bullying™ is the leading national nonprofit dedicated to changing the culture for all students. It works to reduce and prevent bullying, cyberbullying and other digital abuse, educates against homophobia, LGBTQ discrimination, racism and hatred, and deters violence in schools, online and in communities across the country. In this diverse world, STOMP Out Bullying promotes civility, inclusion and equality. It teaches effective solutions on how to respond to all forms of bullying, as well as educating kids and teens in school and online. It provides help for those in need and at risk of suicide, and raises awareness through peer mentoring programs in schools, public service announcements by noted celebrities, and social media campaigns. 

School starts and so does the bullying!Stand up as a kid, a parent, a teacher, someone who wants to help...  I was bullied in school...back then there was really nothing to do, but keep your mouth shut...NO MORE! Now you can SPEAK OUT!

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

"Giving Tuesday November 27th 2018" STOMP OUT BULLYING!!!! The "Global Movement"

Giving Tuesday, the Tuesday after Thanksgiving, is a movement to create an international day of giving at the beginning of the Christmas and holiday season. On this day of GIVING, we ask you to think of the youths who we work to keep safe at school every day .. the youths who we work to keep safe online... the youth whose lives we save every day.

World Kindness Week is November 13 - 20th. The purpose of World Kindness Week is to highlight good deeds in the community, focusing on the positive power and the common thread of kindness that binds us. Today and every day, focus on the good and spread kindness wherever you go. One way you can do this is to stand up for people who don't have a strong voice. You can also use inclusion, unity, respect and acceptance to spread kindess to the people around you. YOU can make a huge difference.

At STOMP Out Bullying, we LOVE to share messages and stories of kindness, and to hear yours. What are your plans for this World Kindness Week? Share your thoughts with us on social media and let’s keep the global conversation on kindness going.

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

#BLUEUP, Stomp Out BULLYING Official Day October 1,2018!


We see this type of problem everywhere, whether it's a "hate crime" which to me all Bullying types of things are 'HATE CRIMES" of a sort... We know that all too often, kids "see and hear" things at home, or other places, then "bring that type of thing" to school with them"...

whether it's because you "dress different", talk differently, go to a different church or don't go, whether you have one color of skin or the other, whether your "schools" are the "name brand" or "Wally World" brand... whether you "buy your lunch" or get a "free lunch or breakfast"... what "side of the tracks" you live on, whether you are "too thin", or what some consider too "large"... maybe you don't "go to the salon" and have your hair cut, or maybe you can't afford glasses or contacts that cost 100's of dollars... maybe you are from a "one parent home" or maybe your "parents" are the same sex, whatever it "is" you can bet that their some is kind of person or group that wants to Make you feel "less than", that you are "weird", poor, or don't dress well...

or maybe your parents cannot "afford a new car for you to drive to school", so you ride the bus.... as I said, whatever it is, you can bet "someone" is out there just waiting to make someone feel "lousy" about themselves. Often times the "very ones" that are being "bullies" are the ones that could be "getting bullied", or abused at home, or somewhere else. So, it takes even more of an effort on the part of us, that "hate the idea" of someone making fun of a person, or talking down to someone, or calling them names, or talking about how "their home life" is strange... REMEMBER, THAT PERSON HAS FEELINGS, EMOTIONS, AND HURTS JUST LIKE IF IT WERE YOU! So, be the better person and "step up" and tell them that you won't stand up and listen to someone being "bashed" either through words, actions, being treated as if they are not "human"....

My daughter and I just talked about this, just this morning. As her boys begin school this week, "most of the time" "boys" don't care what kind of "jeans" you have one, if your shirt buttons up, or is a T-shirt... etc... but "girls" can be so terribly cruel... boys can also, but girls tend to be those that "put down" someone for the way they dress, talk, look, and act a bit differently. I know that the "internet" is awesome in ways, but in other ways, it's created a way of "hateful" and harmful things to be said and done, and can be "sent out" with 100's or 1,000's of those to see it, within the blink of an eye....

So, as the new school year comes, and as I recall being a bit "overweight" and not being allowed to be in the band, or do some of the things I wanted to do, because my Dad was "too overprotective", he worked nights most of my Jr. High and High School years, and he just "didn't trust" anyone, and I don't think even trusted me... so I was "teased" due to several things over my years in school... but now often times it's a great deal more than just a bit of teasing, and it leads to kids committing suicide or harming someone, due to that "teasing" and abuse..

We have always been an organization for kindness.

The types of problems we tackle may have changed over the past decade,
But our passion has never wavered.
Ours is a higher purpose.
We work so that youth may stand tall and be respected.
With our help, youth are kinder. Schools are more inclusive.
Communities have more equality. Society has more unity.
So that, a culture of cruelty can become a culture of civility.
So we devote ourselves to breaking down barriers, we give voice to the voiceless.
We give belonging to those feeling left out.
We welcome diversity and inclusivity.
We work shoulder to shoulder in unity.
We empower the fearful to be fearless in this pursuit.
And together we will find the answers, to change the culture, for good.ption