Showing posts with label chronic pain is REAL. Show all posts
Showing posts with label chronic pain is REAL. Show all posts

Friday, June 9, 2017


 I was SO MAD and SO UPSET over this story I just watched on "Nightly News" that I HAD to come and post the video along with MY OPINION!!!! THIS IS NOT THE PHARMACEUTICAL COMPANY'S (ENDO) FAULT!!!! IF WE ALLOW the FDA to start doing this then WHEN WILL THEY TAKE TYLENOL AND BABY ASPIRIN OFF THE SHELVES???? Or TELL DOCTORS AND PHARMACISTS what they CAN or CANNOT prescribe for patients!!???? Just because a "group" OF STUPID PEOPLE TAKE A MEDICATION OPANA ER (by the way before I had my ain pump put in I was on this medication and it was the 1st one that contained a chemical that if you altered it by smashing it, cutting it, melting it and so forth IT DOES NOT HAVE THE EFFECT!!! Once a "drug" of ANY KIND comes off the Pharma's shelves, THEY CANNOT CONTROL WHAT A PATIENT DOES OR DOES NOT DO WITH IT!!! Nor can anyone but that patient!!!!! IF THEY can't get "Opana" then they will get SOMETHING ELSE.... NOTHING the FDA does will KEEP THOSE WHO ABUSE IT BADLY ENOUGH TO KEEP FROM FINDING SOMETHING!!! mMANY PEOPLE Use their ANTIDEPRESSANTS to try and commit suicide! IS THE FDA going to REMOVE ANTIDEPRESSANTS FROM THE MARKETS????? This is totally insane!!! IF WE stand for this AS PATIENTS, AS CARETAKERS, AS ADVOCATES FOR CHRONIC PAIN PATIENTS, AS ANYONE WHO DOES NOT WANT THE FDA TO RULE OVER WHAT WE CAN DO.... or NOT DO... They need to send an email, send FACEBOOK POSTS, SEND TWITTERS, ANYTHING TO SAY "HELL NO" I will NOT stand around with my hands down and head in the sand and allow this mess!!!! GGGGGRRRRR! This one really gets me extremely upset.... as a legitimate chronic pain patient that could NOT live without my Pain Control.... I would have already passed away from pain!!!!!! I CHALLENGE EACH ONE THAT DOES not agree to DO SOMETHING!!!!!

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Chronic Pain Patients and the "absurd" information on abuse and New Medication for pain with Abuse Deterrent in it…/stop-the-war-on-chronic-pai…/

 I found this article interesting and more to the point when "chronic pain patients" are attacked for something they are NOT causing. I great example (I was not attacked but) since I had to have surgery yesterday, of course I had to be "NPO" thus I could have have ANYTHING to eat, drink and even my meds were taken away after midnight... all of which is necessary, BUT my surgery was NOT until 1PM the next day!
So, like MOST told me and I know myself, I could have been given my critical meds, such as my muscle relaxer, pain med, & my anxiety med...but I was made to wait UNTIL AFTER 3:30PM or longer, rather than just stopping it at 8 hours...

IF the surgery would have been early morning such as 6 or 7 AM etc then it would make sense.. anyway, same with this... "true and legitimate patients are being "punished" or horrified, because with all of the "crap" out there in the news we fear being without our meds.... yesterday, I was in horrid pain by the time I got to the hospital after waiting so long, then checking in, getting prepped for surgery, & then going under (which I was thrilled to go under anesthesia, knowing then I would be free of pain, plus I would FINALLY get some pain meds for relief.... 

It is a nightmare if you live in terrible pain daily, or almost daily, and then are terrified all of a sudden your meds could be jerked away... so those that don't understand, should be "educated" on just how chronic pain invades and takes over your life... and quality of life goes null and void, for the patient, family and way of life...

And from the Pain News Network....

FDA Approves New Long Acting Painkiller  


Just came out a couple of days ago!

Friday, February 26, 2016

National Pain Report and President Obama Speaking Up for Those in "Real Pain"

This is exactly the type of support we need! Great News and Thank you President Obama for addressing that our pain is "REAL"!

Please spread this link on to everyone you can. We NEED support like this to fight back against those who don't believe our pain is "real" and that we "need" our medications to be able to have some type of normal in our lives!

 Thank YOU President Obama for your words about this devastating illness often "invisible" yet very REAL!