Showing posts with label ccellulitis. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ccellulitis. Show all posts

Monday, August 26, 2019

Letter to Dr Blair about Cellulitis 9/21/2019

Hello Dr. Blair,

... on the 16th of August they were to do the pacemaker surgery. Now the doctor's schedule was full so they were going tp TRY to get me before anything els happened...Wednesday the 15th day before the surgery my left leg felt 'odd" and warm on my back calf and then I felt lump coming up on the calf...and the ONLY thing I can fathom is that we have had so many "bugs"spiders, all kinds of spiders, wasps, something had to have bitten ,stung, something in the night, because I was fine when i went to bed!!! This time they did a sonogram to make sure it was not a DVT etc which all came back fine. SO NOW I have to wait till Sept 16th, unless they have a cancellation, then i may get in sooner.
I came to Dr Blair's Office and you happened to be gone for the afternoon. So, my other option, was Urgent Care. I decided togo there rather than do nothing. They drew stat labs, and sent me to the hospital for a doppler & another test to make sure I didn't have a DT or DVT. All were CLEAR!!! Thank Goodness!
Yet, it left me with this issue, which we figured as I said something must have bitten me in the night that I did not feel.

So, they gave me a bag of IV antibiotics, and sent me with a script for another antibiotic to take every 6 hours for 10 days clindamycin. It began to get better quickly this time... but I still was left the pacemaker that was supposed to be the next day! So, I had no choice but to call, and reschedule it again.So, we try again but not until the 13th of September (a Friday).

I told Dr. Rao's Assistant I was going up there no matter WHAT!

So, if Urgent Care have not sent you those records and the labs, and doppler tests, please let them knw you want those.

I would like to have a discussion about this & as to why "suddenly" I keep getting this, and never did I have this before. AND can we do ANYTHING to try and get it under control?

Thank you,
Pam Steele