Has anyone heard of "PPMS"? (Primary Progressive Multiple Sclerosis)... I was looking into some issues about a right foot, that tends to "hang" at times walking, no matter what shoes or where I am walking, and it's not like "foot drop"... plus I've noticed I "feel" more "clumsy... which I've always been a bit "off" but I am over the past month or so, feeling like I have this "very slight stagger" not like a "drunk can't walk" thing, but just like I will be walking jut fine and suddenly find myself off balance, or like I am stumbling, but not like someone else may notice it... it has not gotten to the point I would assume, anyone else would see it, but I know it's there... I've always kidded myself about "walk much"?
LOL, because I sometimes feel as if I walk off step to one side for a step or two... but this is more of that, and it's different from anything else I've experienced. I thought at first "it's all in my head" or I've just been so stressed between doctor's the danged shower drain mess, the cold weather tends to make me "stiff" which causes you to kind of feel off balance at times, and that I just have too many "irons in the fire"... and I really wanted to get back to oil painting (I found out that the guy Bob Ross that taught a couple of decades ago on television, all of his series and episodes are on U-Tube, from the very first one.. and I recall Dad used to watch him... he was fascinated how anyone could do that, yet I found out I was quite good at oil painting and want now with these online video's I could do them right here at home... but I also know I need to be working on getting that back room worked on and other things around here, so between putting myself in a place of "what I "NEED" to do versus what I would LIKE TO DO... I just felt I've been in too big of a hurry lately, causing me to be a bit clumsy at times... Anyway, I found several UR's and information on PPMS but I had not heard of it until I found it today... so I thought I would ask any of you if you knew about it....
"Through my heart's work of writing, I share with you my complex journey a top the mountain, sliding down, crawling up, & living through the realms of Autoimmune Arthritic Illnesses. Taming "The Wolf" Thru each Day... One Step at a Time … Together We Are Learning to Survive. Please follow along, to New Beginnings - looking Thru the Window Pane of Pain in life where we shall find our journey leading us to - New Perspectives
Showing posts with label Multiple Sclerosis. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Multiple Sclerosis. Show all posts
Monday, January 28, 2019
Friday, October 14, 2016
Cure Click Brings a Clinical Trial for Urinary Incontinance caused by Spinal Cord Injury, Multple Sclerosis
Approximately 80% of people with Multiple Sclerosis will experience some degree of bladder dysfunction. Symptoms include difficulty holding urine, difficulty starting a urine stream, feeling like the bladder won’t empty completely, having to go to the bathroom at night frequently, and having to urinate frequently.
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http://curec.lk/2dBya93 |
Tuesday, November 18, 2014
The Good, The Great, The Days you feel like NO ONE Gets IT!!!! I CANNOT BREATHE
I've just about had it with everything. I cannot stand when someone
wants ME to be at their beckon call. But, when I do not hear a word and
am suddenly "cut off" it seems, I cannot just hop up and fly off for 3
or 4 days for an event. I am really upset, hurt and pissed that I am
"used" when they want me. Then they get me all hyped up to make another
trip that is supposed to be the first part of December. Now I cannot get
a response by email at all. It is like I am a "stranger"
and Don't Exist... but if they need me in the future it will be
expected for me to "jump" up and do exactly what they want and when, and
fore go the thought that I am chronically ill, and I can't just take
off at a moment's notice. And if I find out ANY of my "SO-CALLED"
friends have had a thing to do with it, I will really be peeved.... but I
can see a couple of them "climbing" the ladder of "fame"... by running
over others to do so... anyway, I am just about finished with it all. I
am going to take all of next year, or ever how much it takes, which
maybe a year, less or a bit more, and write my book. I am sick of
putting it off for "trivial" pursuits that now seem like it does not
matter much what the hell I bent over backwards to do and help out with.
I am no more than someone that is taken advantage of due to the fact of
my passion about helping others. Then I am scooped up and heaved in a
corner when they are "through" using me. I have been having horrid,
night terrors, now for about 2 months or more... and last night really
told it all. It was so bad, I was screaming and crying so much, I woke
Jim up and he had to come out of the bedroom to check on me. Then it
took me almost a half hour to truly settle down and figure out it was a
night terror and not real. Yet, it did finally get through to me, when
in my nights sleep, I am being put down, picked on, cast away to the
sides, and everyone ignoring me, treating me like dirt, so badly that I
could not even breathe... which woke me up, because I felt I was
literally suffocating... and could not breathe... I am being "drowned"
by the very thing I loved to do the most... well 2nd to my writing and
blog... and that is my volunteer work... so I am bowing out for the most
part, to allow those who choose to cram their "high heels" in my back
as they walk all over me... (I saw this when I worked for a woman
boss)... petty jealousy, wanting to take over and get credit for
everything, taking someone's else hard work and saying it is theirs, and
the subject matter goes on and on... well, I am pulling those damned
"heels" out of my back, I am going back to write my 3rd book, keep up my
blog, and keep to myself... so I may not show up or say as much here
especially after the holidays are over. I feel I've been "used and
abused" enough, and I am freaking sick of being tortured during my
waking hours and it causing me to having horrid night terrors... it is
time to get out of that "ladder climbing" crap....
Some of you may wonder why I get "caught up" in all of this. Well, for one thing I take my "advocacy", "Activism", my "Volunteering", my writing, blogging, and being An Ambassador, as well as a "general spokesperson" for those with illnesses, chronic in nature, those that we know will NEVER go away more than likely in our lifetimes, and so my dream is to "build a bridge" to future generations where they WILL have answers, as to why, what, how, when, where... and possibly a way to just say NO, to some horrid, chronically painful, life shattering chronic pain and illnesses. So, whether I am writing a blog post, or posting something in Facebook, or reading someone posts... whether I am "helping" a group, or Foundation... whether I am trying to help several causes and Foundations by "lending my voice and own personal experiences to them, in order to get OUR POINTS across to Congress, to the nation, to our own communities, even to our family and friends, when I am doing any and all of that, then I am serious about my "job". I don't take being an advocate for others lightly. I take it as I am trying my very best to try those out there, that either can't step forward, due to family, illness, lack of funds, or any number of reasons some people can't "lend a volunteering hand". There are those that are "shy", or they are raising families, or they are just too ill, to be able to either go to a Congressman's office, or send an email, and for all sorts of reasons people sometimes are able to get involved in that realm.
I can totally understand, because being a "voice", being assertive, putting your heart and soul on the line to speak with a member of the House or the Senate, or to ask for money for research and development for those who are researchers and may have the golden key some day to unlock and unleash something powerful enough to STOP the pain and suffering of RA, Lupus, Sjogren's, Osteoarthritis, MS, FM, CFS, MCTD, and the other host of autoimmune illnesses, or Lyme Disease, Cat Scratch disease that now has entered as a possible "means" by which some of us "got" these illnesses .... whether that is true or not, we need the people, researchers, money. the backers with funds, the corporations and foundations... the CDC... gosh the list is endless.... but we also need YOU and MYSELF. We MUST put our voices out there... if they "squash" us and tell us to get out, then so be it.... There will be yet another person that may not dismiss our "calling" and is willing to watch, look, and listen...
I have been contacting my Senators and Representative (Federally) to invite them to an "Arthritis 101" meeting in DC the first week in December. Some of these folks are new to Congress, and we desperately need to "inform" them of just how important our medications, such as biologics, our not being delayed in getting a diagnosis, of getting treatment, and how critical it is for all patients with these illnesses have a fair chance to try and either go into remission, face less flares, not have to wake up every morning of your life, with stiffness, miserable fatigue, pain, and yet another day's fight to see who will when in the end... Will the "illness" take over all our spoon and then some, or will WE remain victor that day, and have spoons left over for the next day.
Life is so very, very, very SHORT!!! Many of us by the time we are about 25 years old, begin to realize that "forever" is not all that long... the 10 years, 15 years, 30 years... it all goes by too fast. We go from completely helpless as an infant, turn around and we are crawling, walking, and running. Turn around again, and we are driving a car, dating, and in college... one more turn and we are parents, raising our kids, and in the next turn they are grown, with kids of their own, and we have been out of high school for decades. You then begin to see "classmates" that are in the obituaries, or their parents are. We see the grey hair where the dark brown, blonde and red was. The wrinkles seem to come on over night. And within a "breath's space". we are as our parents were, feeble, not able to do, go, visit, travel and see the world through those young eyes. Our sight is blurry, our steps softer, and maybe not so sure, and you may even find yourself fighting with illnesses and what they cause, things you never would have dreamed they would happen just a few short years ago.
I know I've thought back just 7 years ago. Never would I have dreamed I would lose all of my teeth, and need complete dentures. I didn't know I would have all of these implanted joints, many more that are deteriorating quickly, and may need a new implanted one also. Life has just gone by within the vast light and the vast dark, I stood in the gray in between and never gave a thought that I could not wear that pleather mini skirt, or my pleather pants again. I thought I would be in those 6 inch platform heels for many years to come. Little did I know that none of those would be true. That now I try to find shoes that are "pretty", yet they have to be half way comfortable. I can no longer wear some of those mini skirts, and tight tops... and I would never have expected to have a huge bulge our of my right side, where I have an implanted pain pump. I never would have thought I would awaken to stiffness, pain, and sometimes so fatigued I just can't really do all I want to in a day. I find myself wandering through my own home, through my lists and lists, and wondering how I will do the laundry, vacuum, cook, clean, wash the car, change the sheets, get myself showered, get the pups fed, watered and taken care of, help my Mom with her things, and still need more time to do more things. I have a very difficult time "giving up" anything. Even though, just like here on my blog, or in my new book, I am writing, I HAVE NO CHOICE, I HAVE TO FOR GO something in order to have the time, the stamina, the brain power, to do what I NEED to do and what I WANT to do... and something will have to be put aside. If I had my way, it would be like it was in the late 90's. I could go to college full time at night, write, work full time, take care of the kids, house, yard, bills, cleaning, cooking, sewing, going out on the weekends, studying, and I just never stopped. I had the energy of an atom I guess.... I was a never ending ball of go, go, go, and that included exercising EVERY DAY, walking, go to aerobics, you name it... now if I get the laundry done, have enough time and energy to shower, you can bet before I can finish ONE task, I am exhausted and ready for the sofa instead.... and IT SUCKS...
Some of you may wonder why I get "caught up" in all of this. Well, for one thing I take my "advocacy", "Activism", my "Volunteering", my writing, blogging, and being An Ambassador, as well as a "general spokesperson" for those with illnesses, chronic in nature, those that we know will NEVER go away more than likely in our lifetimes, and so my dream is to "build a bridge" to future generations where they WILL have answers, as to why, what, how, when, where... and possibly a way to just say NO, to some horrid, chronically painful, life shattering chronic pain and illnesses. So, whether I am writing a blog post, or posting something in Facebook, or reading someone posts... whether I am "helping" a group, or Foundation... whether I am trying to help several causes and Foundations by "lending my voice and own personal experiences to them, in order to get OUR POINTS across to Congress, to the nation, to our own communities, even to our family and friends, when I am doing any and all of that, then I am serious about my "job". I don't take being an advocate for others lightly. I take it as I am trying my very best to try those out there, that either can't step forward, due to family, illness, lack of funds, or any number of reasons some people can't "lend a volunteering hand". There are those that are "shy", or they are raising families, or they are just too ill, to be able to either go to a Congressman's office, or send an email, and for all sorts of reasons people sometimes are able to get involved in that realm.
I can totally understand, because being a "voice", being assertive, putting your heart and soul on the line to speak with a member of the House or the Senate, or to ask for money for research and development for those who are researchers and may have the golden key some day to unlock and unleash something powerful enough to STOP the pain and suffering of RA, Lupus, Sjogren's, Osteoarthritis, MS, FM, CFS, MCTD, and the other host of autoimmune illnesses, or Lyme Disease, Cat Scratch disease that now has entered as a possible "means" by which some of us "got" these illnesses .... whether that is true or not, we need the people, researchers, money. the backers with funds, the corporations and foundations... the CDC... gosh the list is endless.... but we also need YOU and MYSELF. We MUST put our voices out there... if they "squash" us and tell us to get out, then so be it.... There will be yet another person that may not dismiss our "calling" and is willing to watch, look, and listen...
I have been contacting my Senators and Representative (Federally) to invite them to an "Arthritis 101" meeting in DC the first week in December. Some of these folks are new to Congress, and we desperately need to "inform" them of just how important our medications, such as biologics, our not being delayed in getting a diagnosis, of getting treatment, and how critical it is for all patients with these illnesses have a fair chance to try and either go into remission, face less flares, not have to wake up every morning of your life, with stiffness, miserable fatigue, pain, and yet another day's fight to see who will when in the end... Will the "illness" take over all our spoon and then some, or will WE remain victor that day, and have spoons left over for the next day.
Life is so very, very, very SHORT!!! Many of us by the time we are about 25 years old, begin to realize that "forever" is not all that long... the 10 years, 15 years, 30 years... it all goes by too fast. We go from completely helpless as an infant, turn around and we are crawling, walking, and running. Turn around again, and we are driving a car, dating, and in college... one more turn and we are parents, raising our kids, and in the next turn they are grown, with kids of their own, and we have been out of high school for decades. You then begin to see "classmates" that are in the obituaries, or their parents are. We see the grey hair where the dark brown, blonde and red was. The wrinkles seem to come on over night. And within a "breath's space". we are as our parents were, feeble, not able to do, go, visit, travel and see the world through those young eyes. Our sight is blurry, our steps softer, and maybe not so sure, and you may even find yourself fighting with illnesses and what they cause, things you never would have dreamed they would happen just a few short years ago.
I know I've thought back just 7 years ago. Never would I have dreamed I would lose all of my teeth, and need complete dentures. I didn't know I would have all of these implanted joints, many more that are deteriorating quickly, and may need a new implanted one also. Life has just gone by within the vast light and the vast dark, I stood in the gray in between and never gave a thought that I could not wear that pleather mini skirt, or my pleather pants again. I thought I would be in those 6 inch platform heels for many years to come. Little did I know that none of those would be true. That now I try to find shoes that are "pretty", yet they have to be half way comfortable. I can no longer wear some of those mini skirts, and tight tops... and I would never have expected to have a huge bulge our of my right side, where I have an implanted pain pump. I never would have thought I would awaken to stiffness, pain, and sometimes so fatigued I just can't really do all I want to in a day. I find myself wandering through my own home, through my lists and lists, and wondering how I will do the laundry, vacuum, cook, clean, wash the car, change the sheets, get myself showered, get the pups fed, watered and taken care of, help my Mom with her things, and still need more time to do more things. I have a very difficult time "giving up" anything. Even though, just like here on my blog, or in my new book, I am writing, I HAVE NO CHOICE, I HAVE TO FOR GO something in order to have the time, the stamina, the brain power, to do what I NEED to do and what I WANT to do... and something will have to be put aside. If I had my way, it would be like it was in the late 90's. I could go to college full time at night, write, work full time, take care of the kids, house, yard, bills, cleaning, cooking, sewing, going out on the weekends, studying, and I just never stopped. I had the energy of an atom I guess.... I was a never ending ball of go, go, go, and that included exercising EVERY DAY, walking, go to aerobics, you name it... now if I get the laundry done, have enough time and energy to shower, you can bet before I can finish ONE task, I am exhausted and ready for the sofa instead.... and IT SUCKS...
Tuesday, October 28, 2014
How "Serious" Do you Take Your Autoimmune Diseases and Diagnosis?
I had thought about this question last night, for some unknown reason. I knew last night I needed to sit down and write about this ASAP, before the brain fog kicked in and I forgot what I wanted to say or even write about.
Yesterday, was one of those days that I had or needed to play catch-up. I needed to pick a few things up from the market, needed to make a trip over my Mom's, and as the 2 days previously, since I had gotten little to nothing done, I felt I needed to get some stuff done. Last Wednesday I had felt "fine", or well enough to dress, put my makeup on, dressed a bit more decent, and get errands completely. All of what I needed to do, meant running and trying to get everything caught up. So, off to the bank, to the cemetery, to put gas in the car (it is 2.67 here!!!!!!! YEAH!!).. air up the tires on the car, take some magazines to the library, run into get some prescriptions of mine picked up, then to Wally World, for a few items I can't get anywhere else. I did get it all done, Then I had to come home, put all of that stuff up, get Jim, and take him to drop off some paperwork to a potential pain physician and he also needed to sign a document in front a Notary. So, we also made a 2nd trip to the bank to get that done. From there Jim needed his flu vaccine, so we headed for CVS. Well. that turned into all for naught because in the 1st place his insurance WILL NOT even pay for the flu shot, which has gone up now from about 23.00 a few years back to well over 32.00 this year!!! Yes, I know, I know - everything has gone up but damned... also there are several strains in this vaccine than used to be, but I don't buy all of that, because the pharmacies and pharmaceutical companies are RICH! Honestly, my belief is that ALL people should be able to get the flu shot at NO COST, if they make below a certain amount of money... NOT allowing those that want the vaccine to get it, just causes more people out there that have the capacity to get sick, and run up a much higher bill that a darned flu vaccine. So, I am not sure I get that 32.00 ordeal. I just saw on the news last night how MUCH MONEY OUR COUNTRY LOSES during flu season, for those especially that DO NOT get the flu shot... and you can believe many of them WOULD had they been able to pay $5.00 for it, or whatever they feel than afford.
All right, back on the subject that I began this entire blog post about. I have had a couple of "epiphanies" about my own chronic illnesses and chronic pain issues over the past about almost 8 months or so. I always "felt" as if I had accepted the fact that I DID have RA, Lupus, Sjögren's, and so on... along with several what I would call "sub illnesses" that have followed right along with the natural progression of these autoimmune diseases.
As I have come to figure out lately though, I really HAD NOT met these illnesses actually face to face, nor had I truly down deeply that I had not accepted that I am chronically ill, with diseases that at this time have no cures, and even though we have some medications that certainly due help to slow down the progression of some of them. I think the very first time I truly felt I was "ill" was the day my very first tooth just fell out of my mouth coming loose at the tooth/gum line for no good or practical reason. Of course I've tried to be prepared for the day I would begin to have dental issues due to the Sjogren's BUT... never was I prepared for it to happen this soon, nor that fast. From the moment the first tooth fell out, within three weeks 2 more had basically done the same. I was at the dentist more in a month than I had been all my life!!! By the time 6 months rolled around I was missing at least 7 teeth, and I believe at that time in my life, struggling with the teeth, the thought of dentures that I SWORE I WOULD NEVER have... was almost more than I could handle. Little did I know it COULD AND WOULD get worse before things would get "better"... Christmas 2013 was not the most memorable... money was very tight, I seemed to have been ill with one flare after the other, bronchitis and it did not want to go away, and even New Years came and my Birthday fell in February, and the upcoming Arthritis Foundation Summit was coming so soon in March. Yet, I had not been able to get my biologic infusion of the Rituxan (that is AFTER WE FOUGHT to get it paid for, because my insurance refused to pay all of it, thus the infusion clinic had gotten the infusions approved through their private charity program. ) But, I had had way too many issues with infections, bronchitis, & a large dose of step prednidone due to the flares, I was just down and out until the very last right--I at the last moment made a trip to our urgent care center to get some last minute treatment for a Lupus flare that had just had me down and I couldn't go (this was Friday evening and my plane was due to take off MONDAY at 6:00AM). so this was the last straw in the box per se'.
Well, someone much more MIGHTY than myself handling things. By Sunday, I was able to pack, still not feeling like jumping over the moon, but compared to the week before. So come VERY very early Monday morning. Even up until I was getting my luggage out of the car, and checking my bags it has not hit me, that I was headed for Washington DC. Once I was on the plane, settled in and on my way, it hit me, I truly WAS HEADED FOR THE SUMMIT IN D.C.!!!
After the accident on March 26th, 2014 - everything went to hell in a hand basket. I believe the night I first came home from him having that massive back surgery, it hit me square in the face, that I had CHRONIC AUTOIMMUNE ILLNESSES, and I had better get hold of myself, or I would lose it completely.
So, for the very first time rather than this frivolous thought of "yes, I have autoimmune illnesses" that I take medications for daily. MTX, Plaquenil, and usually a biologic, now we have added Orencia in, it will be here Tuesday and Sulfasalazine. It hit me so hard, that I literally had to sit down on my chair in front of my computer. Here I was, even being a voice, an advocate, blogging about them, Facebook page and posts about them, seeing how many others suffer with these illnesses, yet, I had never really settled into the mere facts of DAMMIT the hell, I have Lupus, RA, and autoimmune illnesses... which mean forever unless someone happens to invent a cure in the next few years. My mind was spinning, my head full of thoughts... how would I survive, how will I ever be able to help Jim, how can I keep on writing my book, my blog, doing my advocacy, my activist, my Ambassador work. Will I still be able to help Mom??? Question after question rattled through my brain... and with each question, the "other side" of my thought process had an answer... and that was YES! The "answer" was much simpler than the questions were. Inside, somewhere, somehow, I knew I would be able to "handle it all"... that may mean a change in all kinds of things, and especially letting go of what "normal" used to be and begin to accept what "normal" will be as the next days, weeks, and months go by. I was more in fear of the "change in normality I believe" than I was the illnesses, or Jim's physical situation after the wreck or any of that. Change is something that is frightening to most of man and woman kind... WE are truly creatures of habit. I realize very often we don't seem to be when we are younger. But, for the most part as we age, we don't do as well with change, uprooting your roots you have put down for so long, chopping them down, and learning a new "normal" is almost impossible for some people.
I could no longer sit there trying to figure it all out in my head at the moment, because so much "unknown" lie ahead... how long will Jim be in the hospital?, and all of his physical, mental and emotional changes, it will take time. So, I "picked myself up", and I got busy with notes of what needed to be done, when, where, how and so forth. I also had a couple of things I HAD TO DO FOR ME! #1 was at the time I needed to get my Rituxan injection. I was well for a change, even though worn to nothing due to all of the drama surrounding the car accident and Jim, but I did one day go and spend about 7 hours getting the first infusion. In two weeks, I was to go back and for the 2nd round. Then I should be good to go for about 5 months.
Little did I know, before two weeks rolled around, about 5 days after the 1st infusion, I began to have the strangest things going on. I "heard" voices, I was almost to the place of hallucinating, I was not sure if I was in my own "home" or not... I could not write, barely type legibly. I was talking to the voices, all around the house and walking the floor. I paced up and down the living room through the office and into the kitchen at least 50 times maybe more. But, I could not put a finger on what was wrong. I felt "sick" in some ways, but again, I was not quite sure how. I was not really coughing, but in ways I felt a bit feverish. Finally, for some strange reason, due to the fact no matter how ill I AM I don't run fever, but I decided to check it anyway. To my surprise I was running almost 103 degree fever!!! Well, that explained the strange voices, and the oddness I was feeling but where all of it was coming from I was not sure. This was a Sunday afternoon, and that meant no doctor would be able to be contacted. I certainly did NOT want to go to the ER, too much hassle, but I did know that we have an Urgent Care Clinic here now, but whether they were open on Sundays was a stretch.
Another thing, I honestly knew I should not be driving alone. I feared having a seizure. Even though I was taking aspirin, the fever was staying fairly high. And they strange things I heard, saw and felt would and could mean I very well with fever that high have one. Thus, the alternative was to call my Mom, Which I really did NOT want to do, but there was really no other way, unless I call 911, which was ridiculous, unless I did either get the fever higher and I felt I needed medical attention extremely. Well, as the story goes on, my Mom takes me, they are open thank goodness, and I have double pneumonia... of which the physician that saw me happens to also be an ER physician at the hospital. Which was good and bad. Because I was so ill, and had all of these autoimmune issues, he felt I needed to be seen by them, and evaluated to make sure I didn't need IV antibiotics... I begged him to try anything else first, but don't send me there. After I told him about Jim, and all that was going on with everything, he reluctantly allowed me to go home with high powered antibiotics, complete sofa rest, for at least 7 days, hydrate, watch mt temp several times a day. AND if I FELT ANY WORSE or could NOT get the fever down, I was to go immediately to the ER! So, I promised I would have my meds filled, go home, and not move off the sofa for at least a week. Basically that is what I did, other than having to take out trash and changing the dogs food, water and paper... I stayed at home, watched movies, took my medication and drank loads of green tea, juice, and ate very light stuff... and it took me almost a MONTH to truly get over it all. I never developed a cough but some people don't with pneumonia. I am sure between being so ill, then going to DC on a load of prednisone, then suddenly the accident happened and I am rushed on a plane before I think I really realized it. I had been in the very cold, snowy, but not dry snow, very wet snow in DC all day long, for 2 days walking in it for hours... and to put icing on the cake all of that happened... then I took the Rituxan, so that make the cherry on the top.
That also slammed me in the gut, with a punch... if I had not had the autoimmune Illnesses I "may" not have gotten that ill. But, it could be that no matter AI or not, I still could have contracted the pneumonia. That was in early April and went on for weeks honestly, As I said above, I was not sure I would ever get over the fatigue, tiredness, dizziness, the feeling like hammered crud every morning... I ached and I was sore... and stiff... but I did ... slowly I recovered and by the Grace of God, I did without going to the hospital which was an excellent thing and a miracle.
So, twice within a month, I had been really slapped hard in the face that I had chronic illnesses, that would NEVER go away.
Lately, the "dreaded" head of the Wolf popped it's head up when I got to thinking about how much medication it takes to keep me well. Then I go to get the flu and pneumonia vaccines, and become suddenly "ill" for no real reason. I cannot really say that is was either one of the vaccines. I've had the flu vaccine now for years, and I had taken a pneumonia injection 5 years ago and I don't having that could possibly cause me to feel as if I did have pneumonia and the flu at the same time. But, that is how these illnesses go. What may happen to you one time, may never happen again. Or something that has never reared it head, suddenly shows up out of the clear blue ocean, leaving you to wonder why the hell it came from.
I've learned as difficult as it is each day of my life, to try and not stress over the "little" things... and try to make best of the good things... also... when these AI illnesses decide to act up, flare, be in commission, or however you want to say they are "active"... to allow my body to "tell me" what it needs. Whether that is rest, or not, whether it is a certain thing to eat, or whatever needs my body, mind and spirit needs at that time, to try and slow down, and allow it to work itself out. Sometimes it may mean just a day of rest and movies. Another time it might mean a full blown flare and a trip to my doctor for a shot and prednisone. Others may put me on the sofa for days, until it is going away. It is never easy to "slow down". Each of us know that life seems to be moving more quickly than we can keep up with when we have a chronic illness, or deal with chronic pain.
The very last moment I had lately of "Hey, stupid, you DO have an autoimmune (bunch) of illnesses, that are REAL, and nothing it "in your mind" and if it is then it needs to be there so I will "listen" to my own body. I was just going through my home room to room, looking at what we need to "finish" the whole house inside and out needed to be completed. We ran out of time and money when remodeling at purchase time, thus we still have thing that really need to be completed. So, I was throwing thing out, knowing some things are just not anything we will use anymore. My "Motto" is if we have not talked about, looked at, worn, used... something in the past 9 months, then out it goes ... and as I gazed around at ALL we need to achieve it truly once again knocked me almost to my knees... I am ILL with diseases that have taken away my ability to "run like the wind" as I did a few years ago.
When did you first have a "reality check" about your autoimmune illnesses or chronic illness/pain issues? Was it as the very first part of a diagnosis, or did it really hit you hard later on, months or even really years later, that they or it is for REAL!!! You weren't living in some kind of night mare...????
Yesterday, was one of those days that I had or needed to play catch-up. I needed to pick a few things up from the market, needed to make a trip over my Mom's, and as the 2 days previously, since I had gotten little to nothing done, I felt I needed to get some stuff done. Last Wednesday I had felt "fine", or well enough to dress, put my makeup on, dressed a bit more decent, and get errands completely. All of what I needed to do, meant running and trying to get everything caught up. So, off to the bank, to the cemetery, to put gas in the car (it is 2.67 here!!!!!!! YEAH!!).. air up the tires on the car, take some magazines to the library, run into get some prescriptions of mine picked up, then to Wally World, for a few items I can't get anywhere else. I did get it all done, Then I had to come home, put all of that stuff up, get Jim, and take him to drop off some paperwork to a potential pain physician and he also needed to sign a document in front a Notary. So, we also made a 2nd trip to the bank to get that done. From there Jim needed his flu vaccine, so we headed for CVS. Well. that turned into all for naught because in the 1st place his insurance WILL NOT even pay for the flu shot, which has gone up now from about 23.00 a few years back to well over 32.00 this year!!! Yes, I know, I know - everything has gone up but damned... also there are several strains in this vaccine than used to be, but I don't buy all of that, because the pharmacies and pharmaceutical companies are RICH! Honestly, my belief is that ALL people should be able to get the flu shot at NO COST, if they make below a certain amount of money... NOT allowing those that want the vaccine to get it, just causes more people out there that have the capacity to get sick, and run up a much higher bill that a darned flu vaccine. So, I am not sure I get that 32.00 ordeal. I just saw on the news last night how MUCH MONEY OUR COUNTRY LOSES during flu season, for those especially that DO NOT get the flu shot... and you can believe many of them WOULD had they been able to pay $5.00 for it, or whatever they feel than afford.
All right, back on the subject that I began this entire blog post about. I have had a couple of "epiphanies" about my own chronic illnesses and chronic pain issues over the past about almost 8 months or so. I always "felt" as if I had accepted the fact that I DID have RA, Lupus, Sjögren's, and so on... along with several what I would call "sub illnesses" that have followed right along with the natural progression of these autoimmune diseases.
As I have come to figure out lately though, I really HAD NOT met these illnesses actually face to face, nor had I truly down deeply that I had not accepted that I am chronically ill, with diseases that at this time have no cures, and even though we have some medications that certainly due help to slow down the progression of some of them. I think the very first time I truly felt I was "ill" was the day my very first tooth just fell out of my mouth coming loose at the tooth/gum line for no good or practical reason. Of course I've tried to be prepared for the day I would begin to have dental issues due to the Sjogren's BUT... never was I prepared for it to happen this soon, nor that fast. From the moment the first tooth fell out, within three weeks 2 more had basically done the same. I was at the dentist more in a month than I had been all my life!!! By the time 6 months rolled around I was missing at least 7 teeth, and I believe at that time in my life, struggling with the teeth, the thought of dentures that I SWORE I WOULD NEVER have... was almost more than I could handle. Little did I know it COULD AND WOULD get worse before things would get "better"... Christmas 2013 was not the most memorable... money was very tight, I seemed to have been ill with one flare after the other, bronchitis and it did not want to go away, and even New Years came and my Birthday fell in February, and the upcoming Arthritis Foundation Summit was coming so soon in March. Yet, I had not been able to get my biologic infusion of the Rituxan (that is AFTER WE FOUGHT to get it paid for, because my insurance refused to pay all of it, thus the infusion clinic had gotten the infusions approved through their private charity program. ) But, I had had way too many issues with infections, bronchitis, & a large dose of step prednidone due to the flares, I was just down and out until the very last right--I at the last moment made a trip to our urgent care center to get some last minute treatment for a Lupus flare that had just had me down and I couldn't go (this was Friday evening and my plane was due to take off MONDAY at 6:00AM). so this was the last straw in the box per se'.
Well, someone much more MIGHTY than myself handling things. By Sunday, I was able to pack, still not feeling like jumping over the moon, but compared to the week before. So come VERY very early Monday morning. Even up until I was getting my luggage out of the car, and checking my bags it has not hit me, that I was headed for Washington DC. Once I was on the plane, settled in and on my way, it hit me, I truly WAS HEADED FOR THE SUMMIT IN D.C.!!!
After the accident on March 26th, 2014 - everything went to hell in a hand basket. I believe the night I first came home from him having that massive back surgery, it hit me square in the face, that I had CHRONIC AUTOIMMUNE ILLNESSES, and I had better get hold of myself, or I would lose it completely.
So, for the very first time rather than this frivolous thought of "yes, I have autoimmune illnesses" that I take medications for daily. MTX, Plaquenil, and usually a biologic, now we have added Orencia in, it will be here Tuesday and Sulfasalazine. It hit me so hard, that I literally had to sit down on my chair in front of my computer. Here I was, even being a voice, an advocate, blogging about them, Facebook page and posts about them, seeing how many others suffer with these illnesses, yet, I had never really settled into the mere facts of DAMMIT the hell, I have Lupus, RA, and autoimmune illnesses... which mean forever unless someone happens to invent a cure in the next few years. My mind was spinning, my head full of thoughts... how would I survive, how will I ever be able to help Jim, how can I keep on writing my book, my blog, doing my advocacy, my activist, my Ambassador work. Will I still be able to help Mom??? Question after question rattled through my brain... and with each question, the "other side" of my thought process had an answer... and that was YES! The "answer" was much simpler than the questions were. Inside, somewhere, somehow, I knew I would be able to "handle it all"... that may mean a change in all kinds of things, and especially letting go of what "normal" used to be and begin to accept what "normal" will be as the next days, weeks, and months go by. I was more in fear of the "change in normality I believe" than I was the illnesses, or Jim's physical situation after the wreck or any of that. Change is something that is frightening to most of man and woman kind... WE are truly creatures of habit. I realize very often we don't seem to be when we are younger. But, for the most part as we age, we don't do as well with change, uprooting your roots you have put down for so long, chopping them down, and learning a new "normal" is almost impossible for some people.
I could no longer sit there trying to figure it all out in my head at the moment, because so much "unknown" lie ahead... how long will Jim be in the hospital?, and all of his physical, mental and emotional changes, it will take time. So, I "picked myself up", and I got busy with notes of what needed to be done, when, where, how and so forth. I also had a couple of things I HAD TO DO FOR ME! #1 was at the time I needed to get my Rituxan injection. I was well for a change, even though worn to nothing due to all of the drama surrounding the car accident and Jim, but I did one day go and spend about 7 hours getting the first infusion. In two weeks, I was to go back and for the 2nd round. Then I should be good to go for about 5 months.
Little did I know, before two weeks rolled around, about 5 days after the 1st infusion, I began to have the strangest things going on. I "heard" voices, I was almost to the place of hallucinating, I was not sure if I was in my own "home" or not... I could not write, barely type legibly. I was talking to the voices, all around the house and walking the floor. I paced up and down the living room through the office and into the kitchen at least 50 times maybe more. But, I could not put a finger on what was wrong. I felt "sick" in some ways, but again, I was not quite sure how. I was not really coughing, but in ways I felt a bit feverish. Finally, for some strange reason, due to the fact no matter how ill I AM I don't run fever, but I decided to check it anyway. To my surprise I was running almost 103 degree fever!!! Well, that explained the strange voices, and the oddness I was feeling but where all of it was coming from I was not sure. This was a Sunday afternoon, and that meant no doctor would be able to be contacted. I certainly did NOT want to go to the ER, too much hassle, but I did know that we have an Urgent Care Clinic here now, but whether they were open on Sundays was a stretch.
Another thing, I honestly knew I should not be driving alone. I feared having a seizure. Even though I was taking aspirin, the fever was staying fairly high. And they strange things I heard, saw and felt would and could mean I very well with fever that high have one. Thus, the alternative was to call my Mom, Which I really did NOT want to do, but there was really no other way, unless I call 911, which was ridiculous, unless I did either get the fever higher and I felt I needed medical attention extremely. Well, as the story goes on, my Mom takes me, they are open thank goodness, and I have double pneumonia... of which the physician that saw me happens to also be an ER physician at the hospital. Which was good and bad. Because I was so ill, and had all of these autoimmune issues, he felt I needed to be seen by them, and evaluated to make sure I didn't need IV antibiotics... I begged him to try anything else first, but don't send me there. After I told him about Jim, and all that was going on with everything, he reluctantly allowed me to go home with high powered antibiotics, complete sofa rest, for at least 7 days, hydrate, watch mt temp several times a day. AND if I FELT ANY WORSE or could NOT get the fever down, I was to go immediately to the ER! So, I promised I would have my meds filled, go home, and not move off the sofa for at least a week. Basically that is what I did, other than having to take out trash and changing the dogs food, water and paper... I stayed at home, watched movies, took my medication and drank loads of green tea, juice, and ate very light stuff... and it took me almost a MONTH to truly get over it all. I never developed a cough but some people don't with pneumonia. I am sure between being so ill, then going to DC on a load of prednisone, then suddenly the accident happened and I am rushed on a plane before I think I really realized it. I had been in the very cold, snowy, but not dry snow, very wet snow in DC all day long, for 2 days walking in it for hours... and to put icing on the cake all of that happened... then I took the Rituxan, so that make the cherry on the top.
That also slammed me in the gut, with a punch... if I had not had the autoimmune Illnesses I "may" not have gotten that ill. But, it could be that no matter AI or not, I still could have contracted the pneumonia. That was in early April and went on for weeks honestly, As I said above, I was not sure I would ever get over the fatigue, tiredness, dizziness, the feeling like hammered crud every morning... I ached and I was sore... and stiff... but I did ... slowly I recovered and by the Grace of God, I did without going to the hospital which was an excellent thing and a miracle.
So, twice within a month, I had been really slapped hard in the face that I had chronic illnesses, that would NEVER go away.
Lately, the "dreaded" head of the Wolf popped it's head up when I got to thinking about how much medication it takes to keep me well. Then I go to get the flu and pneumonia vaccines, and become suddenly "ill" for no real reason. I cannot really say that is was either one of the vaccines. I've had the flu vaccine now for years, and I had taken a pneumonia injection 5 years ago and I don't having that could possibly cause me to feel as if I did have pneumonia and the flu at the same time. But, that is how these illnesses go. What may happen to you one time, may never happen again. Or something that has never reared it head, suddenly shows up out of the clear blue ocean, leaving you to wonder why the hell it came from.
I've learned as difficult as it is each day of my life, to try and not stress over the "little" things... and try to make best of the good things... also... when these AI illnesses decide to act up, flare, be in commission, or however you want to say they are "active"... to allow my body to "tell me" what it needs. Whether that is rest, or not, whether it is a certain thing to eat, or whatever needs my body, mind and spirit needs at that time, to try and slow down, and allow it to work itself out. Sometimes it may mean just a day of rest and movies. Another time it might mean a full blown flare and a trip to my doctor for a shot and prednisone. Others may put me on the sofa for days, until it is going away. It is never easy to "slow down". Each of us know that life seems to be moving more quickly than we can keep up with when we have a chronic illness, or deal with chronic pain.
The very last moment I had lately of "Hey, stupid, you DO have an autoimmune (bunch) of illnesses, that are REAL, and nothing it "in your mind" and if it is then it needs to be there so I will "listen" to my own body. I was just going through my home room to room, looking at what we need to "finish" the whole house inside and out needed to be completed. We ran out of time and money when remodeling at purchase time, thus we still have thing that really need to be completed. So, I was throwing thing out, knowing some things are just not anything we will use anymore. My "Motto" is if we have not talked about, looked at, worn, used... something in the past 9 months, then out it goes ... and as I gazed around at ALL we need to achieve it truly once again knocked me almost to my knees... I am ILL with diseases that have taken away my ability to "run like the wind" as I did a few years ago.
When did you first have a "reality check" about your autoimmune illnesses or chronic illness/pain issues? Was it as the very first part of a diagnosis, or did it really hit you hard later on, months or even really years later, that they or it is for REAL!!! You weren't living in some kind of night mare...????
Tuesday, October 14, 2014
Sharing the Excitement of the Coming Months! (Trying to Ignore the PAIN of these Illnesses - RA, Lupus, Sjogren's, MS, Myasthenia Gravis, Perniscious Anemia and the list grows)
I have been trying my best to "brave" the chill in the air, knowing that means several things. Shorter days, cooler weather, Fall colors and Autumn leaves coming down. Holidays here before we know it, cooking, baking, and the smell of Thanksgiving, pumpkin pies, rolls, wonderful home made quick breads, and spices like cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg, and those "pungent" aromatic hints that Winter is here, Christmas, and before we know it, 2014 will be a memory, and 2015 shall be in full swing.
My bones, joints and most of my body HATE the cold, aching, throbbing feelings that are the "bad" stuff following along with the good.
I LOVE to bake! I have always loved to bake anything sweet. From cakes, pies, cookies, cobblers, and the calories that go along with fudge, peanut brittle, and the confections that almost feel like they are going straight to my hips as I just think about them.
Alas, the fight against pain, fatigue, and stress versus the fun of baking, cooking, and the heavenly sweet potatoes, gravy, ham, turkey, stuffing.... and yes it makes me hungry just thinking about it. But l know that I must start early - each year even earlier than the last if I truly want to make all of those goodies, getting them all packed up with bows and in beautiful sacks, boxes or containers to give out to our neighbors. I recall the first year not too long ago when we did it, I had made like 5 different types of quick breads, fudge, fruit cakes, candies and cookies with ribbons and cards tucked away for remembering our neighbors and to bring good cheer to those who surround us with their friendship truly is throughout each year. We have wonderful neighbors. They do some great things for us during the year and we try to reciprocate with the baking and cooking.
It is also getting close to that time we make our "New Years Resolutions" or more like rather than "resolutions" trying to set "goals" for 2015. Of course after March 26th, 2014, and all that transpired on that one fateful day; as I sat gracefully awaiting Jim to arrive in Washington DC, those words still ring in my head that "your husband has been in a very severe car accident". He was "ran over" by an 18 wheel tractor trailer...
At that very second, I knew that ALL of my "goals" for 2014 just were blew out of the window, thrown in the street, and ran over by a bus... train and then hit by a plane... Of course goals were the very last thing on the agenda once all of that hit.... every and any plans I had made for this year went out the window, bath water, tub, soap, and almost the baby... if you take the old saying to heart. ;)
So, the very last thing I want to do for 2015 is make "grand plans" only to be on the floor again, cleaning up the mess. Lord knows this year has been a ball of twine, rolled and knotted, with no signs of ever getting it ready to crochet a sweater from.
Thus, I with much hesitation begin thinking about my "gifts" for 2015. My hopes are that I do get to put as much of myself into the throws of activism, ambassadorship, volunteer work, and advocacy for all of us. We definitely NEED many, many more "educated" people when it comes to the world of Arthritis "101"!!! As a friend of mine and myself had an email conversation a couple of weeks ago, it continues to overwhelm me just how many people in our world, very well educated at that, do NOT get "ARTHRITIS" & all of our Autoimmune issues.
Many of the specialists we go to that are supposed to BE SPECIALISTS in these fields and have the knowledge to HELP US. YET, many of them are NOT educated, especially on the latest of technology, advancement in medications, & having so many clinical trials that have came into play, BUT we still don't have many of the answers we continue to search for.
I believe as "patients", loved ones, and close friends, we are "drawn like moths to a flame" when it comes to anything we can "throw" at an arthritic illness, autoimmune illness, chronic pain and/or other medical issues. We tend to spend more time researching these new ideas in science.
From a supplement, to an older drug used for malaria, to a brand new biologic making its debut in the news. We have made some head way by turning back the clock, starting over at the beginning of when it first arrived. I am not sure if I believe in some of the stronger more advanced biologic medications. Some of the side effects that seem to be almost worse than the diseases, illnesses and syndromes themselves.
So, as I am contemplating the things that so far have been "diced, sliced and served up" on my "plate" for 2015, my hope is that I will be able to continue to do those, along with find the place where my "voice" is for my next book. I had made myself a wager, that I would at least complete 75% of the 3rd book by the end of this year. Alas, as I began stating in this post, never will I again allow myself to get so overly thrilled with the idea of finishing the 3rd book that I forget the many factors that can "over throw" your ideas. And if they can, and do... they will.
I pray that I DO get to write that book. It maybe the last one I complete, but I will be always trying to strive to write daily, no matter to be published something once again. Life begins where it wants to... sometimes and then it takes you further and further into the realms of distant waters, surrounding you with ocean waves and not one iota of land in sight. After days and days the clouds roll away, the thunder and stormy waters return to a calmness, and "Voila'" you are back on the correct path again, with the sun shining on your face.
Cherish those moments.... never let anyone or anything keep you from "your own dance".....
:I will be adding my "list" of things I would love to see me get my "teeth into" firmly.... not as in a vampirical status, but in the place that I can "taste" what I have been put here to do... help others...
My bones, joints and most of my body HATE the cold, aching, throbbing feelings that are the "bad" stuff following along with the good.
I LOVE to bake! I have always loved to bake anything sweet. From cakes, pies, cookies, cobblers, and the calories that go along with fudge, peanut brittle, and the confections that almost feel like they are going straight to my hips as I just think about them.
Alas, the fight against pain, fatigue, and stress versus the fun of baking, cooking, and the heavenly sweet potatoes, gravy, ham, turkey, stuffing.... and yes it makes me hungry just thinking about it. But l know that I must start early - each year even earlier than the last if I truly want to make all of those goodies, getting them all packed up with bows and in beautiful sacks, boxes or containers to give out to our neighbors. I recall the first year not too long ago when we did it, I had made like 5 different types of quick breads, fudge, fruit cakes, candies and cookies with ribbons and cards tucked away for remembering our neighbors and to bring good cheer to those who surround us with their friendship truly is throughout each year. We have wonderful neighbors. They do some great things for us during the year and we try to reciprocate with the baking and cooking.
It is also getting close to that time we make our "New Years Resolutions" or more like rather than "resolutions" trying to set "goals" for 2015. Of course after March 26th, 2014, and all that transpired on that one fateful day; as I sat gracefully awaiting Jim to arrive in Washington DC, those words still ring in my head that "your husband has been in a very severe car accident". He was "ran over" by an 18 wheel tractor trailer...
At that very second, I knew that ALL of my "goals" for 2014 just were blew out of the window, thrown in the street, and ran over by a bus... train and then hit by a plane... Of course goals were the very last thing on the agenda once all of that hit.... every and any plans I had made for this year went out the window, bath water, tub, soap, and almost the baby... if you take the old saying to heart. ;)
So, the very last thing I want to do for 2015 is make "grand plans" only to be on the floor again, cleaning up the mess. Lord knows this year has been a ball of twine, rolled and knotted, with no signs of ever getting it ready to crochet a sweater from.
Thus, I with much hesitation begin thinking about my "gifts" for 2015. My hopes are that I do get to put as much of myself into the throws of activism, ambassadorship, volunteer work, and advocacy for all of us. We definitely NEED many, many more "educated" people when it comes to the world of Arthritis "101"!!! As a friend of mine and myself had an email conversation a couple of weeks ago, it continues to overwhelm me just how many people in our world, very well educated at that, do NOT get "ARTHRITIS" & all of our Autoimmune issues.
Many of the specialists we go to that are supposed to BE SPECIALISTS in these fields and have the knowledge to HELP US. YET, many of them are NOT educated, especially on the latest of technology, advancement in medications, & having so many clinical trials that have came into play, BUT we still don't have many of the answers we continue to search for.
I believe as "patients", loved ones, and close friends, we are "drawn like moths to a flame" when it comes to anything we can "throw" at an arthritic illness, autoimmune illness, chronic pain and/or other medical issues. We tend to spend more time researching these new ideas in science.
From a supplement, to an older drug used for malaria, to a brand new biologic making its debut in the news. We have made some head way by turning back the clock, starting over at the beginning of when it first arrived. I am not sure if I believe in some of the stronger more advanced biologic medications. Some of the side effects that seem to be almost worse than the diseases, illnesses and syndromes themselves.
So, as I am contemplating the things that so far have been "diced, sliced and served up" on my "plate" for 2015, my hope is that I will be able to continue to do those, along with find the place where my "voice" is for my next book. I had made myself a wager, that I would at least complete 75% of the 3rd book by the end of this year. Alas, as I began stating in this post, never will I again allow myself to get so overly thrilled with the idea of finishing the 3rd book that I forget the many factors that can "over throw" your ideas. And if they can, and do... they will.
I pray that I DO get to write that book. It maybe the last one I complete, but I will be always trying to strive to write daily, no matter to be published something once again. Life begins where it wants to... sometimes and then it takes you further and further into the realms of distant waters, surrounding you with ocean waves and not one iota of land in sight. After days and days the clouds roll away, the thunder and stormy waters return to a calmness, and "Voila'" you are back on the correct path again, with the sun shining on your face.
Cherish those moments.... never let anyone or anything keep you from "your own dance".....
:I will be adding my "list" of things I would love to see me get my "teeth into" firmly.... not as in a vampirical status, but in the place that I can "taste" what I have been put here to do... help others...
Saturday, October 11, 2014
Sunday, June 8, 2014
Help Out... Become An E-Advocate for the Arthritis Foundation and have YOUR VOICES HEARD on Capitol Hill!
I wanted to share something with all of you
about the Arthritis Foundation. Of course they have several ways you can
"help" the cause. One of those is to become an "E-Advocate". Which they
send you an "updated" newsletter about 3 to 4 times
a YEAR, and they do NOT give out your information, plus they may send
you an occasional email about say "RA, osteoarthritis, etc" that is
something they are "working" on to get the Congress people to be
educated, and give them a guide on how the "people" feel about it. You
never HAVE to do anything. But, if they send something you are
passionate about, say a change in how Medications "tiers" are now, which
is a huge one for all of us, you can have an email sent to your own
House of Representative and/or Senators... it is already made out for
you... you just pull the ones from your own location through a zip code,
and hit send, OR if you like you can certainly add or change what you
want to say. As I said, you do not get any daily junk mail, adds, or
anything of that sort. In fact I am attaching the URL explaining what an
"E-Advocate" does. If you would like to be one, please email me, send
me a message or post. It is a part of something I am working on to
become an Ambassador for them, so again I can take OUR voices to
Congress and Capitol Hill and represent ALL of us... and I did! And I
did see the great results, even in my own Congressman honestly, so I
know this works. Here is the URL... if you do decide to become one, all I
need is an email address, your zip code, & a first and last name. I
have to turn that in so they know I completed that 'assignment". I ask
of you to do this, because that gives me a chance to take YOUR worries,
cares, concerns, and what you want to see changed in the health field
for you, our nation, and tell our own government how we feel.
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I really have SO MUCH to try & catch up here on, so I am going ton"Post"n some of my ongoing chronic health issues, things abo...
I finally made a trip to Urgent Care with what I feel is a very bad Lupus and RA flare, but there are several "symptoms" strange t...
How can our kids feel safe when WE as adults don't???? I fear Wal-Mart or just walking across the parking lot at HEB in my small lo...