Showing posts with label AAI illnesses. Show all posts
Showing posts with label AAI illnesses. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

The Petechia is back and rashes ... still don't have a clue... Rashes, Brusing, Petechia, lowe back issues, hips issues, does it EVER END with AI Illnesses??????

 The first two photos are from a couple of years back. I developed "bruisinng and petechia" on my legs and arms.... portions appearing as huge bruises, others appearing to be like "blood blisters", such as you may get if you "smash" your finger etc... it forms a "blood type blister".... I went through every test in the world and specialist and no one really ever came up with anything other than "Lupus" causing it. They only appeared on my arms and legs... no where else on my body at all..,

I have that same strange "blood blistering" like stuff suddenly on my arm last night...  here are some new pics, along with the ones from a few years back... This one ABOV as I said is NEW... this just appeared a couple of nights ago as almost the same type of "petechia" blood blistering as before... no apparent reason I can come up with... and below is the "rash" the developed on the inside of my right knee about 2 weeks ago. It was like tiny blisters, but they were "lined" up in rows... I also had a few on my right ankle, and my 1st thought was shingles. I had happened to of course been on and stay on pain meds, and have those in my pain pump internally also, plus I was on the generic form of Valtrex. Since I began with the Lupus, RA stuff... I developed blisters around on the corners of my mouth. My doctor thinks it is a "herpes" type virus because my immune system is a mess with the AI illnesses, thus he treats me with the Valtrex for them... but as soon as the "2 day" dose is through, I develop them again. I am going to ask him about a "daily dose" to see if that is possible and it it might keep these mouth corners from being bright pink and sometimes blistered... they hurt and try to crack open at times, and I've put just about any and everything imaginable on them trying to see if I can stop it from happening....

Thursday, July 2, 2015

FROM THE IFAA - Results from an in-depth study to IMPROVE EARLY & ACCURATE DIAGNOSIS of Autoimmune Arthritis diseases, as well as other AI disease that often are in Tandem!

Here is the link to this extremely important study of the importance of EARLY and ACCURATE Diagnosis when it comes to Autoimmune Arthritic Diseases, and other Autoimmune illnesses that often are in "tandem" with them. This report had hope of educating more of our Medical Professionals, Dentists, and Others, about these illnesses and diseases. It is SO Crucial to have an EARLY and ACCURATE diagnosis, so more Aggressive and targeted medications and treatments are done early, before so much damage has been done.

We have also seen and witnessed over the past couple of years SEVERAL often "very young people" are either extremely ill or even pass away due to the possibility that they were not diagnosed early enough, and had the proper treatments. That is just another reason why the report and others to follow are critical for all of us that suffer from these hideous diseases, syndromes, and illnesses.

Please see the report in its entirety at the URL below:

Early Symptoms of Autoimmune Arthritis Investigation