Tuesday, August 18, 2020

COVID-19, Upcoming 2020 Flu Upon Us, West Nile Virus & Adult Vaccines

As many of us know FLU season is almost upon us. Now we face a possible "new strain", PLUS as no other Flu season in History we are fighting the fight of our lives against (COVID-19) and the West Nil Virus has popped up also in some places as of the past 6 weeks or so. FLU??? GET VACCINATED!!! AS SOON AS YOU SEE THE SIGNS UP at your Pharmacies, Doctors offices, in the paper, and everywhere head over to get your vaccine! Of course with this being a "new "abnormal" for the flu make sure you ASK your doctor's office if you are okay to get the vaccine. Some like myself, get the "shot" that is NOT the "live" virus due to other chronic Illnesses. But, there are also those who can take the live vaccine, even though a nasal spray etc. Many of the "symptoms" of Flu and COVID-19 happen to be much the same. WE HAVE a medication to help lessen the flu symptoms, and get you protected from a much worse base, but you must start it quickly after being diagnosed with the flu. It will be one for the records when combing "several" illnesses at the same time. Also, those of you who are over 60 to 65 many can get a shingles vaccination, a pneumonia vaccination which protects against MANY different types of pneumonia, so be sure t ask your doctors and pharmacists about those. There are Hepatitis vaccines out also, and even especially for college kids that stay in Dorms, a Meningitis vaccine, since it can be extremely contagious especially in closed quarters like dorms. Here is a list of "recommended" vaccines by the CDC, showing who needs to get which ones and when, why etc. https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/adults/vpd.html Some may be surprised at the types of vaccines available now for adults to STOP and prevent many what used to be very contagious illnesses.

 With the upcoming Flu Season upon us and having heard we may have a new strain(s); plus this is an all time difference with COVID-19 still very much active, and finding West Nile Virus in some places, I felt it was a great time to REMIND everyone the Vaccines available, who may need them & to see if you should speak to your doctors, pharmacists etc. about whether you should receive some of these vaccines...

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