Friday, May 29, 2020

Memorial Day & A Whole New Way to "celebrate" due to COVID-19 Making even Daily Life Difficult

When we think of Memorial Day, and Celebrating the Great Freedoms We are given. Those on our Front Lines, keeping battle lines not crossed so we can feel safe in our neighbors, stores, towns open From the Markets to our Places of Worship & Schools whether Elementary all the way up to College Universities, we almost take for granted that freedom we have.

When a Sudden, Deadly FEARFUL Outbreaking of things such as an unexpected "Pandemic" of the kind COVID-19... and then see what people are DOING and NOT doing that could cause us much grief in a few weeks, when the virus hits again, after the holiday weekend.

As much as I need to go have my hair cut, I just can't see your stylist & you that close even with all precautions, not being able to spread it, if someone were to have it and may not have symptoms yet...

I agree people should be able to go to church and other places out BUT I feel we should have the FACTS & go by what the CDC & WHO .. or what our physicians tell us... not the NEWS in itself but what they tell us that THE EXPERTS are saying.

Plus maybe I am old fashioned but NO WAY if I had kids "summer camp age" would I want my kids going this year! NO way just with a few counselors can they keep  bunch f hyped up kids from touching, staying apart enough, using hand sanitizer, washing their hands enough, using their friends outfits or things such as that...

I see how difficult for adults even in large stores with large isles still have  hard time stay apart, and it is by accident, we can run into one another going around corner, or you have to know some items others may have just touched & put back on the shelf, and you or someone else pick it up.

All of us can only be so cautious, so safe, act so smartly.. and still even our own experts csome in contract it. 

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