A quick note - I am BACK on BOTH Rifampin and Bactrum now for the FOURTH time! I did FIND a Surgeon Finally that takes my insurance! But, he could not get me in until a week from yesterday, so next Friday! In the meantime, the 1st LUMP began to show "outer" signs of "infection I thought. It was NEVER red or all that sore through the whole ordeal. But, last week about Monday, I began to notice not is it only reddened on the top of the skin, it is also, seemingly "puffy" and sore to the touch. The "smaller lump" is now also a bit larger, but also sore as heck to the touch. In fact just walking sometimes makes them feel tender and sore. So, I called my PCP yesterday and he put me on another round of antibiotics until i can get into the surgeon.
ALSO, some GOOD NEWS FOR A CHANGE! My ECHOCARDIOGRAM came back with a "small bit better as far as my heart function from the last one" which I've not had one since 2011... and I was scared that it might be a bit worse, so hopefully that is good news... but you also hear all the time of people having their heart checked out, having the echocardiograms, ad all seemingly well... then a day or so later, they have a heart attack... so I am trying to stay within the "positive" aspects... also I finally got the CHEST X-RAY!!! I thought that mess would NEVER get straightened out...but it is done, and the report should be at my Rheumy's office early next week. SO, my HOPES are that we go ahead with the Xeljanz BUT I don't think they will put me on it, until we know for sure what these lumps are... if infection, then NO until it is completely gone... and hopefully - due to my RA, being more severe than ever, I am losing a great deal of grip, fingers are so stiff, and visible swelling in my hands and some in my wrists and ankles... along with pain, that had not been this bad... but I have not taken any Orencia now in 5 weeks... still taking everything else... but I fear the Orencia also due to not knowing what these lumps are. Also, my MOM celebrated her 80TH!!!!! Birthday yesterday!!! But, she is having heck with her stomach... we did have a "bug" a few weeks ago... but hers seems to be something else... so we did not even get to go out and eat, and I so wanted to take her for at least the day to celebrate... but she is just not up to it..... Okay more later.... ;)
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