Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Sjogrens' Syndrome Foundation - Walk A Bouts for May the Annual Awareness Month

I was trying to put a message on Twitter but of course stupid me, was not thinking, so This horrid disease like a thief in the middle of the night stole ALL of my TEETH within a year!!~ Not only has it taken my teeth and created a HUGE expense for "special dentures" but it truly messed with my own self-esteem! Even though I have the dentures, I must take them out completely at night every night, and sometimes at home, I don't put them in for several hours. When I look in the mirror at myself with them not in, I appear to be a 90 year old woman with all the wrinkles, no lips, and the "sunk in" way my face looks. that are not there unless the dentures are in. So, I attest to this disease needing MORE research, Actually, there is not ONE medication for "Sjogren's". There are a couple of meds that may help "somewhat" but neither of them really work very well. I take on of them daily "pilocarpine" and I truly don't see much of a difference. ... Like ALL autoimmune illnesses, they cause so very much more "damage" to the body, that often we may not realize until, like myself, my teeth began to fall out, from the gum line... even taking medication using everything I could for cry mouth, chewing sugar free gum and always sipping on something - so there is not a thing I could have done or not done to keep this from happening.

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